
NUST hostel saga unfolds… male students left hanging for over two years … university rushes to advertise tender

Home National NUST hostel saga unfolds… male students left hanging for over two years … university rushes to advertise tender
NUST hostel saga unfolds… male students left hanging for over two years … university rushes to advertise tender

The Namibia University of Science and Technology’s male hostel has been dormant for over two years, following the institution’s failure to renovate it.

When the hostel shut its doors in 2020, boarding students were told major renovations would ensue.  Now, allegations emerged that the renovation was internally sabotaged, or was just a façade for something more sinister. 

The university has suddenly rushed to advertise the tender to purportedly renovate the Shangri-la Hostel (NUST male hostel) last Friday, less than 24 hours after responding to New Era’s detailed questions. 

The unavailability of NUST’s men’s hostel meant a private accommodation facility owned by United Africa Group (UAG), a business co-owned by politically-connected property mogul Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun, cashed in.  

Comprehensive queries sent to Namundjebo-Tilahun last week were not responded to by Sunday, before going to press. 

According to insiders, the plan, which saw the university transfer all male students to the private accommodation facility adjacent to the Hilton Hotel, was overseen by the university’s director of student services, Donovan Zealand. 

When the university’s top management learned about the alleged dodgy deal, Zealand and a few other officials were suspended. However, details of formal charges and the disciplinary process remain sketchy. 

They were, however, reinstated while the matter was allegedly swept under the carpet, as if it never happened. 

When contacted last week, Zealand was evasive about his suspension. 

“Perhaps you should ask the university… or the spokesperson, Mr Johannes Haufiku. I didn’t suspend myself,” was all Zealand could say. 

New Era could not independently verify other implicated managers, while efforts to get the names from the university hit a brickwall. 

When approached, the university was at sixes and sevens. 

“It is untrue that the male hostel renovations have commenced. No work has commenced on this project,” Haufiku said.  

He, however, hastened to add that the procurement process has been set in motion. 

“While we regret that the hostels are not currently fit for occupation, NUST has finalised the process of complying with the Procurement Act, and the tender is due to be released to the public soon,” Haufiku stated. 

No further details about the tender were provided. 

Haufiku then shifted the blame onto the Covid-19 pandemic for the institution’s failure to execute the work. 

“It is true that there were undue delays in finalising the renovation, key amongst them Covid-19 regulations in 2020 and early 2021”. 

What was further peculiar was that the female hostel was also renovated around the same period. That renovation lasted about two months. 

Asked why the female hostel repairs were treated with urgency, Haufiku said the two renovations were worlds apart. 

“The extent of the renovations for the male hostel are quite extensive. They include replacing the roof structure, plumbing, and electrical and structural works, to ensure the building is fit for hostel accommodation,” he added. 

In contrast, the female hostel “was basic general maintenance that did not require an extensive process”. 

Additionally, the university could not explain why the public was kept in the dark about the failed renovations. 

The university likewise refused to name those who were on suspension or the charges they faced, and whether they were reprimanded for their sins. 

NUST could furthermore not provide details around the actual cost of the purported renovations.

Moreover, the spokesperson said NUST is working around the clock to reopen the male hostel in the second semester of the current academic year. 

“We sincerely apologise to the male students for the inconvenience caused by this protracted delay, but rest assured that these renovations are a top priority for NUST management,” he continued. 

This time around, the university has not arranged alternative accommodation, meaning male students should fend for themselves. 

“Male students are, therefore, urged to seek alternative accommodation,” the spokesman proposed to prospective accommodation- seekers, who are mainly destitute students without any relatives in the capital city, where rental prices are shooting through the roof. 

Meanwhile, a source familiar with NUST and UAG’s dealings confirmed that an agreement existed between the two entities. 

“There was an agreement with NUST for UAG to provide their students with accommodation and meals,” the source said, while opting to remain anonymous. 

However, the agreement lasted a little over 90 days. 

“After three months or so, the students started complaining about the standard of the facilities. There were also issues of non-payment of fees from the Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF). 

“Then, the agreement was suspended because UAG didn’t upgrade the facilities to the standards they had promised, while NUST also owed UAG money,” the insider said.
