
NWR Opens to Private Investors

Home Archived NWR Opens to Private Investors

Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) has invited private sector investment into some of the resorts under its management, New Era reports.

By Catherine Sasman


After November 18 the Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) will receive presentations from prospective local and international private investors in a number of resorts under the company’s management.

These agreements, said the NWR from the outset, will not involve the alienation of these State assets and will include clauses to safeguard the interests of its current staff.

Applications from interested partners closed at the end of August. Interested investors – with black economic empowerment involvement as a prerequisite – were asked to become development and management partners in particularly the “underdeveloped resorts”.

These included the Reho Spa, that according to the NWR, is ideally situated to be developed into a health and recreational centre for local and international visitors; Shark Island, which includes the historic lighthouse at Lǟ