Staff Reporter
Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) recently held an awards ceremony at its Gross Barmen Resort aimed at awarding top performing tour operators. The awards were given based upon the value of business that the tour operators had provided NWR.
During the awards ceremony Tangeni Kaulu, NWR Trade and Promotions Manager, recalled how during her school days, students always looked forward to receiving an award at the end of the year. Based upon this noble gesture that she recalled, she and the marketing team with the blessing of the NWR board decided to host an event specifically aimed at rewarding the best performing tour operators.
“As a company that is geared towards appreciating the hard work of our partners, we believe that this awards ceremony is an opportunity for us to say thank you to them and encourage them to continue working hand in hand with us. It is through such platforms that we as a company can show that we value the business we get from our tour operators,” said Kaulu.
Epson Kasuto, NWR Chief Marketing Officer, used the opportunity to highlight the direction the company is taking to further provide value to the tourists that visit it. During his presentation, he appealed to tour operators to look at making use of the lesser visited resorts and camps that the company is currently operating to diversify their product offering.
“There is an opportunity for tour operators to consider having their client’s sleepover at Gross Barmen Resort just before they leave for their respective destinations since we have a spa facility here. I believe that tourists can enjoy the services offered at Gross Barmen while they wind down before they leave Namibia.”
Kasuto concluded by saying: “Due to the important role that tour operators play, we look forward to making this an annual event.”
Some of the entities that received awards were Sense of Africa, Wild Africa Travel, Namibia Travel Connection, Abenteuer Afrika Safari, Namibia Tracks & Trails, Blue Crane Safaris Namibia and Bocian Safaris Namibia.