
Nyambe’s availability for Warriors a god-send … coaches must face the music if results are not forthcoming

Home Sports Nyambe’s availability for Warriors a god-send … coaches must face the music if results are not forthcoming

So, Tigers have relieved old time stopgap coach Oubaas Mokwena, aka “Siwelewele”, from his coaching duties following a string of poor results – their fourth coach to be ushered through the exit door since the start of the current term, which is certainly a record-breaking occurrence in the domestic topflight football league.

It should be understood and well digested that football coaches are appointed and hired to meet set targets strictly in harmony with the club’s designed philosophies. 

As much as yours truly feels sad for my great pal “Boere”, the beautiful game of football is all about being results-driven and if results prove unsatisfactory, the hierarchy would be obliged to find other alternatives.
Football coaching is amongst the most lucrative jobs but could become extremely risky and stressful because one is a hero today and a villain the next day. One bad result and the exit door becomes suddenly visible – your likely unplanned next destination.

Word has it that the last straw on the camel’s back was the unexpected embarrassing 1-0 defeat at the hands of perennial relegation candidates Citizens – a team operating on a shoestring budget in comparison to the riches within the country’s oldest football club.

Prodigal son finally returns home
Yours truly has been following with keen interest comments on social media about Ryan Simasiku Nyambe’s availability and ultimate inclusion in the Brave Warriors team ahead of the country’s third appearance at Africa’s biggest showpiece, the Afcon finals to be staged in the Land of the Pharaohs later this year.
The Blackburn Rovers protégé has been on the radar of the Warriors’ technical team but efforts to track him down proved fruitless in the past.

The boy has obviously explained that he first wanted to establish himself with the Championship outfit cementing a starting berth with the Midlands outfit.

Having signed a new two-year contract which expires in 2021 and the unavoidable decision to readjust scheduling of the biannual continental football bonanza in harmony with the big European leagues – it’s now the most appropriate time for the Namibian wunderkind to make his long-awaited appearance for the country of his birth.
Yours truly watched the boy in action for the English second-tier club and can rightly predict Nyambe will add a new dimension to our style of play.

Big and strong in stature, the Katima Mulilo-born lad could be just what the good ordered for the Brave Warriors. 
Make no mistake, Nyambe is not only a damn solid fullback who is equally at home in the central defence, but the boy has great fancy footwork and can play a bit of decent football when in possession of the spherical object.  
Yours truly is appealing to the fans not to castigate the boy accusing him of jumping on the bandwagon after Namibia has qualified for Afcon. 

It’s just a coincidence that his Namibia qualified at almost the same time his former Premiership champions gained promotion to England’s second tier division.
Instead of castigating the boy, let us treasure this moment of joy and ecstasy by welcoming the boy with open arms. Let me doff my korrie for coach Bucksy Mannetti for his persistence. I rest my case.