
Nyamu Cries Foul

Home Archived Nyamu Cries Foul

By Kuvee Kangueehi


The Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) claims that the list of its supporters, which was submitted to the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN), has been illegally copied and distributed.

Speaking at a press conference at his residence, the acting chairperson of RDP, Jesaya Nyamu, said it is quite clear that the objective of such distribution and reproduction of the documents is to intimidate, harass and blackmail Namibian citizens who have expressed their support for the registration of RDP.

He said the documents have been reproduced at various places, including Government institutions and offices such as the Attorney General and Ministry of Justice, the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) and the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC).

Nyamu noted that he is aware that the Swapo Party supplied Swapo regional coordinators with copies of these documents and instructions were given to distribute them at regional level for the purposes of intimidating and blackmailing those who showed sympathy for RDP.

Nyamu charged that the overriding aim of this ‘illegal campaign of intimidation and blackmail” is to frighten people, especially those employed in Government services, who dare support RDP.

“RDP wishes to state categorically that the Government of Namibia belongs to all Namibians regardless of their party affiliations.”

The former Swapo Party Politburo member said the campaign is illegal in terms of the Namibian constitution, which guarantees the right of everyone to privacy.

The RDP warned those who engage in this campaign to stop immediately.

“Failure to heed this warning will leave us with no option but to take appropriate measures.”

The RDP called on all its members, supporters and sympathisers not to allow themselves to be intimidated and confused through these “shameful and cowardly tactics” by Swapo and its agents.

“We call on all our members to be vigilant so as to record all evidence of such intimidation and blackmailing and immediately report them to the nearest police and other appropriate authorities.”

Meanwhile, Nyamu said he was planning to retire a few years ago but changed his mind because he was provoked. He noted that after independence, especially during the first two terms of Sam Nujoma’s presidency, everything was going well.

The former minister said the Swapo Party made a mess out of the transition process, which is generally a big problem. Nyamu was expelled in December 2005 after notes, which advocated the formation of a new party, were discovered in his office. Nyamu said although transition is difficult, the leadership usually makes the difference and the president carries the most responsibility.

On the issue of national reconciliation, Nyamu charged that leaders must admit their mistakes if they genuinely want to reconcile. He said mistakes were made in the past and Namibia must address these grievances if it wants to move forward. He said Namibia does not have to go the South African way of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) but could do it in its own way, which could last for two days.

Nyamu said T-shirts and flags of the new party will be handed out at the first public rally on Saturday.