OC Ebs, one-Woman Comedy Show Staged

Home Lifestyle OC Ebs, one-Woman Comedy Show Staged

Paheja Siririka

WINDHOEK- Doors which were supposed to be opened at 19:30 were already open at 19:00 with audience members already taking their seats. 

Some supporters who wished to pay for a ticket at the venue were refused entry because pre-sold tickets were all sold out. The Warehouse Theatre can only accommodate more or less 280 people and it was filled to capacity.

As the audience was getting settled, one couldn’t help but notice the well-set stage. It created a theatrical feeling, it felt like one was sitting in one’s own lounge and watching TV. There was a couch, a thick black rug, clothing basket, a small table with a telephone on it, an iron and ironing board and other small items (like clothing) that were scattered around so as to give a sense of messiness that needed some cleaning. 

About 10 minutes into the time the show was supposed to start, the audience was still walking in and getting settled. Not long after that the show officially kicked off with a performance by Michael Pulse with his latest single “I Made It” featuring Leonard Witbeen who also happened to be the MC for the night. By this time the audience was creating thunderous noise already. But for those who have a musical ear, the back track performance wasn’t all that well done vocally. 

As OC Ebs gets onto the stage everyone in the audience gives her a welcoming so loud, perhaps the people on the street could hear it. 

Subjects the character portrayed were most of what the typical domestic worker goes through daily at the workplace – the daily cleaning routines and also the relationships created between domestic workers that work at houses next to each other and the gossiping that comes with that. The show may have also revealed what people might not be aware of. Like perhaps male employees making moves on the domestic workers, or the workers busting either spouse in bedroom relations with an outsider. 

The performance had a lot of hilarious moments, mainly amplified by the use of Namlish in the Khoekhoegowab accent that came with a mixture of Namlish, Afrikaans and a minimal Khoekhoegowab. 
Judging by the delivery, this didn’t look like a scripted performance. One could perhaps only see them as premeditated focal points. It later, however, started to sound and look like content had run out and now became a full-blown freestyle to be able to make up for the rest of the +- 15min of the show that was left.

These created moments the audience either probably didn’t get the joke or really didn’t find it funny. Despite that, OC Ebs got a standing ovation and a continuous endless round of applause. 
Every audience member was given an opportunity to take a picture (pigsa) with the visibly emotional OC Ebs after being told the show was sold out – on the stage. 

Spotted local stars that came out to support included Dillish Mathews, Singer Oteya, Uejaa Kazondunge
Due to popular demand, the entire show will be restaged on Saturday, June 15. Those who missed out are urged to get their pre-sold tickets to avoid further disappointments.