
October is Casual Day month

Home Time Out October is Casual Day month


Loslit Dag or Casual Day, is Namibia Old Age Helpfund (NOAH) foremost fundraising campaign that benefit only persons who does not belong to a medical aid and who are unable to afford the required medical expenses.
NOAH,s casual day campaign of 30 October is once again the flagship project of this welfare organisation’s drive to help persons with physical disabilities and others with medical expenses. Casual Day has become a firm favourite on the calendar of many of Namibia’s businesses, with some corporations sponsoring wristbands for their entire staff complement as a corporate social investment initiative.
About 38 companies, 85 schools and 12 organisations are participating as the day’s activities become more popular. “It is an excellent opportunity for corporate team building, whilst also making a contribution to one of the country’s most vulnerable sectors of society, our elderly and to persons with disabilities,” says Isak Farmer, whose organisation each year assist the needy financially with walking frames, glasses, dentures, hearing aids, wheelchairs, eye operations and prosthesis of hip replacement.
Namibia’s Round Table Club 34 says it’s all about “having fun, support and empower the elderly”. They donated N$23 000 and are challenging other welfare organisation to better their pledge. “Everyone loves Casual Day, the campaign that invites all fun-loving Namibia’s to dress differently for a day to raise funds and raise awareness of persons with disabilities and appreciate our elderly,” says Neal van den Berg of Channel 7 Radio Station.
This year’s theme is Gatsby!. “Everybody big or small, organisations, schools, book clubs, youth groups and Namibian citizens at large, is invited to join in the fun at Wimpy at the Grove Mall,” invites Farmer.
“For ten years we have reserved the last Friday in October for going to work in outfits [ranging] from fun to the fantastical. This year it’s Friday 30 October 2015”. To earn the right to dress up this way [at] the 12 traffic intersections, Farmer participants make a donation of NS200 per business or school for the official Casual Day branding. Casual Day does not only raise funds, it also raises awareness of opportunities for full inclusion of persons with disabilities into the community. He calls on the public to be part of a group of thousands of Namibians who demonstrate that small actions can make a huge difference at Wimpy in Groove Mall where participants can conclude the day’s activities in the Gatsby experience in the photo booth with the Gatsby picture of the day.
“We call it community spirit in action. Besides, it creates camaraderie in the office and brings light relief to the workplace,” says some of the previous participants. For more information Isak Farmer can be contacted at 0811247595.