
Oh Death!

Justine /Oaes


The stark reality of staring at one’s own death must be the most terrifying experience. I can’t help but think about the thoughts running through your mind as you recap on your life, pondering on the what-ifs, bargaining for another opportunity in this thing called life, hoping to erase the wrongs and multiply the rights;

Oh death, oh death; why are you so painful and terrifying? The human mind is aware of your existence, yet when you come you come like a thief at night, quiet and still, you wreck irrevocable havoc in our unprepared hearts;

You shatter our hearts sometimes beyond repair every time you knock at our doors, leaving us helpless and hopeless as we dwindle in the maze for a while, searching for answers to questions we will never know. Oh death, why are you so deceitful, leaving us only with memories of our loved ones?

When you come next time, could I ask you to prepare our hearts for the unfathomable? We are in disarray, confused trying to make sense of the void you left in our hearts;

Dear death, when you come again, come with a warm embrace, a comforting heart, and a healing hand together with your pain, so that in our weeping, we do not feel abandoned when we lose the ones we love dearly;  Balance us out, provide us with stability and security in the midst of your chaos, and replace our fears with love and hope while we are trying to figure out this thing called life because your snares we can never escape for as long as we live. Continue to embolden us in your existence, that as much as we celebrate the life of a newborn, we equally must expect and prepare for the departure of this newborn, so when you strike our hearts, we do not grief like those without hope, rather like those who comprehend your inevitability.

Rest well legendary father, H.E. President Hage Geingob

You have fought your fight.

Son of the African, Namibian soil.