
Ohangwena region to host Governor’s Cup

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Ohangwena region to host Governor’s Cup

ONGWEDIVA- Ohangwena region launched the Governor’s Cup last week that will be hosted next month, which is sponsored by PstBet to the tune of N$210,000.

PstBet’s Waldez Hamunyela said they will sponsor the event for the next three years and said they continue backing the event with the hope of unlocking the youth’s dreams.

“It is time to go out there and start showcasing their talents, so that they can gain recognition through this event,” said Hamunyela.

Ohangwena governor Walde Ndevashiya stated that the purpose of the Governor’s Cup is to address shortcomings in youth sports talent development and identification. 

“Furthermore, this is done in an effort to prevent young people from engaging in actions and habits that are negatively impacting their lives and may expose them to social ills. The youth continue to be inactive for a variety of reasons, including a lack of sporting events. They consequently have more free time and energy, which they use inadvertently,” added Ndevashiya.

Ndevashiya also stated that one of the areas the region is eager to explore is the full mobilization of youth and communities through sports, the development of positive activity engagements, and the fostering of talents to address the prevailing socio-economic and cultural challenges the region is faced with.  “It will serve as a platform for raising awareness and developing talent for socioeconomic growth,” added the governor.

He said the event will encourage the youth to capitalize on their sporting talents as a means of employment and income opportunities. 

“Through this type of sport codes, we also want to embrace unity and diversity among the residents of Ohangwena region and developing sporting talents among the youth and able bodied. The different sports activities that are going to be taking place are soccer for both male and female, netball, boxing, athletics for both male and female and any other sports activities.