Ohangwena sets up new agricultural project

Home Front Page News Ohangwena sets up new agricultural project

Nuusita Ashipala

Eenhana-In its quest to fight poverty, unemployment and create food security, Ohangwena Region will establish an agricultural project at Embwanyana in Oshikunde constituency.

About N$500,000 has been secured through the Governor’s Community Development Programme, while an additional N$300,000 was sourced from Namsov and Seaflower fishing companies for the establishment the project.

During his regional address last Thursday, Ohangwena Governor Usko Nghaamwa said work on the project has commenced with the drilling of a solar-powered borehole and the clearing and fencing off of 42 hectares of land.

“I am grateful to mention that all these rural development interventions are geared towards creating job opportunities for our unemployed youth in the region,” said Nghaamwa.

The project is expected to benefit a minority group, known as ‘Ovamashaka’ in Ohangwena Region.

Oshikunde Constituency Councillor Lonia Kaishunga welcomed the development in her constituency. She said the project would be divided amongst the ‘Ovamashaka’ families, to benefit about 50 people.

Acting chief regional officer Phillip Shikongo said the project’s affairs will be handled by a committee from the office of the governor to ensure it is sustainable.

Last week New Era reported on the Onehanga project, which amidst allegations of mismanagement of funds, died a natural death after being productive for only five months. In light of this, Shilongo said Embwanyana would be run differently to ensure it continues to benefit the intended community.

The governor also reported on the completion of the Oshini Marura project at Ondobe and Xemenia project at Onakalunga.

The two projects aimed at adding value to indigenous products by producing oil, would generate income for the local community and create job opportunities.

The region has also financed a number of projects through the micro-finance and other rural development programmes worth over N$1 million.