
Ohorongo, Rent-A-Drum team up on waste management

Home National Ohorongo, Rent-A-Drum team up on waste management

Staff Reporter

WINDHOEK – Ohorongo Cement and Rent-A-Drum have combined their efforts to keep Namibia waste free over the festive season by setting up waste disposal sites in Khomas, Erongo and Oshana regions. 

According to a press release issued by the company, it is expected that a lot of waste will be generated this festive season from parties and gift wraps among others and if all the waste is collected and taken to the waste management centres operated by Rent-A-Drum, the company will ensure that it is disposed of in a responsible and sustainable manner. 

They said that processed, non-recyclable waste material is burned along with other alternative fuels to fire the kiln – which is the key process in cement manufacturing – at its cement manufacturing plant near Otjiwarongo. The kiln has gas temperatures of up to 2 000 Degrees Celsius, which guarantees complete combustion and destruction of all organic substances, resulting in no harmful emissions, it was stated. 

“Since the beginning of this year, Ohorongo disposed of over 70 truckloads of non-recyclable material as alternative fuel along woodchips and charcoal fines in its kiln,” it announced in a media release. Jean Amaambo, the alternative fuel administrator at the plant said its exciting to see how much non- recyclable materials they can use in the cement manufacturing processes and even though they do utilize other alternative fuels, the Refuse Derived Fuels make a huge difference. 

“If every Namibian can make it their ‘way of living’, to ensure that all waste is discarded of in a responsible manner, Namibia can become a clean country,” she enthused. Amaambo also advised that those on the road dispose of their waste in a responsible manner. “It would do no harm if we keep our waste in our vehicles until we reach a place where there are facilities to dispose it. Dumping our waste in the middle of nowhere will end up doing more harm to the environment.

Ohorongo is doing its part, do yours, Amaambo said. Junge Jansen, the Environmental Coordinator at Ohorongo Cement mirrored her sentiments saying, “the environment belongs to all of us and we have a responsibility to take care of it. That is why our operations is set up in a way that we are able to ensure that less waste is send to the landfill by utilizing processed non-recyclable waste as alternative fuel in our process.”

The CEO of Rent-A Drum, Gys Louw said everyone within the borders of Namibia has a major role to play in keeping the country clean. This, he said, can be achieved if everyone chooses to reduce, re-use and recycle waste. “Zero waste to landfill should be a mind-set that encourages everyone in Namibia to add value into the things we use, the environment we live in and saving our valuable planet for future generations,” stated Louw.

 According to the statement, the use of Refuse Derived Fuel has multiple benefits, including less waste to landfills and riverbeds, employment creation as well as tremendous benefits for the environment as the result of reduced fossil CO2 emissions.