Okahao gets a fire station

Home National Okahao gets a fire station


The Minister of Urban and Rural Development Sophia Shaningwa last Friday inaugurated a fire station in Okahao.
The fire station was built under the implementation by the government of the provisions of the Local Authority Fire Brigade Services Act, which have so far since 2009 procured 60 modern firefighting apparatus and handed them to 52 local authorities. The total cost of the 60 firefighting equipment is N$121 million.

Shaningwa said Section 2(3) of the Local Authorities Fire Brigade Services Act 5 of 2006 clearly stipulates that the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development must subsidize the fire brigade and other emergency services rendered by local authorities.

“This is precisely what we are doing and will continue doing as part of our mandate. Our ministry further pledges its commitment to ensure that all local authorities are fully equipped with the necessary firefighting equipment, capacity and now with modern fire stations,” she said

Shaningwa however expressed her disappointment with local authorities that are still struggling to complete their fire station projects. According to her, she learnt that only three local authorities out of 25 beneficiaries have managed to complete their fire stations.

“I would therefore like to strongly urge those 22 local authorities that did not complete their fire stations to do so without delay. You should make sure that the constructed fire stations meet international standards,” she said.

Shaningwa further called upon local authority councillors and the officials to take good care of the fire station and to ensure that the facility does not only benefit people residing in town, but people at nearby villages as well.

The mayor of Okahao David Isai Uuzombala said the town council is the first to implement its fire station service among other beneficiaries, which according to him was also completed on time.

“My heart is now at ease to know that in case of any emergency or fire incidents in town, the town council is able to minimize possible damage to properties and prevent possible losses of lives of our residents,” he said. Uuzombala also shared the emergency number 081155 9990, which Okahao communities can call whenever there are fires.