
I am in Oktyabr’skoy Revolyutsii

Home Archived I am in Oktyabr’skoy Revolyutsii

I REALLY wanted to stay off this Big Brother Africa topic – it’s tog enough that I gave my blessings to Dillish ‘Delicious’ Matthews last Friday.

The issue has also been on everyone’s lips since she brought home not only fame and honour but the omtonyo, moola, tjing, nyuku – call it what you want, but atatata N$3 million dollares in the pocket is no joke!

Ja, ja, now all you nay-sayers are suddenly waking up to the fact that the BBA is after all not so senseless like you thought . And to all those who spelled our country as Nambebia, Nimbia and all types of crap, get this right – it is Namibia!

Now, we are known to be very decent folks who do not go crazy about celebrities or krap in other’s biziness?

We have seen the likes of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt looking like val tourists in Swakkie’s main streets, but no one cared to ask for their autograph or beg for a five bop to buy bread. Even American actor Tyrese wandered around effortlessly and had a great makiti in our night clubs, but nobody paid any attention.

He must probably have been wondering, what the hell is wrong with these people – don’t they see me?

Let’s give our Dillish the same due respect to rest and think what she is going to do with her life.

You have no idea what the poor girl is going through this moment with all the kastige family and friends quadrupling every second as they are hoping to get a little piece of the cake. Money is nice – even I have smelt its bitter-sweet aroma in my dreams, but being the African that I am, chances that I could enjoy my moola in peace are like a drop in the ocean.

That’s why if I were in Dillish’s shoes, I would have taken an indefinite vacation to Oktyabr’skoy Revolyutsii. I know some of you are saying, what? Just like you had a hard time spelling the name !Nami#nus and saying that tourists will get lost, so would you get lost in translation trying to find me.

A holiday free from my outere family, friends and xomchas. I know some of you are resourceful and have already Googled the name, but even if I told you my new identity was Sergeyev Vaslyev Ankundinov you still would not find me. It’s not Australia, Canada or Japan where some of you have acquired all types of unimaginable immigration status and would kama show up in the name of patriotism or chomaskap – that doesn’t work in business.

I know some of you have already started investing in your cute little sisters and cousins for the next Big Brother Africa round, thinking that because the beautiful Dillish won, they will also stand a good chance.

BBA is not some kind of beauty pageant where all you need is to go show how cute you are. It takes more than beauty for Africa to love you. Personality, adaptability, intelligence and a sense of morality are some of the trademarks that will make you stand a good chance.

I am not saying some of you are not well brought up, but some contestants without !nondos have left the house in skandes in the past.

Perhaps this is also a lesson well learned that bed affairs in the open will take you out of the house as fast as lightning. – Sorry Ngo!


By Magreth Nunuhe