
Old Mutual to host Skenjana on the next Fireside Chat

Home Business Old Mutual to host Skenjana on the next Fireside Chat
Old Mutual to host Skenjana on the next Fireside Chat

Staff Reporter

Lindelwa Skenjana, the author of The Black Girl’s Guide to Corporate South Africa, will be the guest speaker at the second Old Mutual Fireside Chat, scheduled for 25 February 2022.  Skenjana will be engaging with Old Mutual Brand Manager Mauriza Fredericks in this virtual event and will touch on how her book, which shares insights of black women at various stages of their careers, assist women to navigate the pitfalls of the corporate world.

In her book, The Black Girl’s Guide to Corporate South Africa, Skenjana delves into a performance review of the working world introduced to young women, and reveals issues such as racism, sexism, ethnic chauvinism, ageism and sexual harassment that many encounter.

“I thought to myself: if we aren’t taking the responsibility of writing and archiving our experiences, then who will? I’m hoping the book will equip our leaders with tools around how to manage diversity, and see the importance of doing that,” she says.

Skenjana, who is in the digital space within financial services and a 2019 Mail and Guardian Top 200 Youth Achievement recipient, holds a Master’s degree in ICT for Development from the University of Manchester, a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Brand Leadership and Management and a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree in Organisational Psychology and Industrial Sociology. Her experiences span across various industries, which include telecommunications, ICT policy and regulation management consulting work, financial services, SMME development and digital innovation.

She is also a marketing, brand, stakeholder relations and communications practitioner with an interest in the digital sphere.

Old Mutual’s first Fireside Chat hosted globally renowned journalist, editor and press freedom activist Gwen Lister, who was invited to engage on her book, Comrade Editor. Published in June 2021, the book tells the story of her life, her journey and the incredible obstacles she overcame to speak truth to power, challenge authority, fight for justice and establish The Namibian newspaper.

Old Mutual says it is passionate about creating diversity in the workplace, and has engaged in a variety of activities across the group to empower women in the workplace, to recognise their achievements, and to engage in a way that promotes growth, safe spaces and provides inspiration.