
Omaheke needs more resettlement farms

Home Front Page News Omaheke needs more resettlement farms

Kuzeeko Tjitemisa

Windhoek-Only 42 percent of the applicants for farm resettlement from Omaheke Region, which translates into three people out of seven, were resettled on government farms in the region during the 2016/17 financial year, Omaheke Regional Governor Festus Ueitele revealed this week.

In his state of the region address on Tuesday, Ueitele said the land reform ministry only procured three farms in the region during the past financial year, namely Smutsville, Bospoort Portion 1 and Bospoort Portion 2.

He said two more beneficiaries were resettled at farms Lora and Kranz, bringing the overall number of beneficiaries resettled in Omaheke to seven.

He said out of the seven, three beneficiaries are from the Omaheke.
According to him the ministry also acquired farms No. 432 measuring 9,873 hectares (ha), Portion 1 of farm Verweg No. 431 measuring 4,182 ha and Portion 2 (Lavenier) of farm Verweg No. 431 measuring 3,000 ha.

He said the three farms were demarcated into nine farming units and adverts calling for applications for allotments of the units ran from February 1 – March 2 this year.
Ueitele said the newly resettled beneficiaries are entitled to a loan under the Farmer Support Project (FSP) supported by Agribank, MLR and the GIZ.

He said the maximum loan amount is currently N$200,000 and farmers may use this loan to procure livestock, infrastructure or to improve farming units.

Furthermore, Ueitele said the vice-president’s office facilitated the provision of land for San communities in three areas – Otjinene, Eiseb Block and Epukiro – for the establishment of settlements.

He said the office provides supplementary food every month to the San consisting of beans, fish and cooking oil.

Ueitele applauded the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration for providing over 165 San communities in the Omaheke with new national documents.

He also commended the San Development Programme for transporting 675 school-going San learners during out-weekends and holidays.

Ueitele said instead of receiving an approved regional budget of N$36 million only N$20 million was allocated, meaning a shortfall of N$16 million

“The implementation of projects such as the regional government office park, Tallismanus construction of services and construction of the Aminuis settlement office were not implemented at the required speed.”