
Omusati enjoys major developments since independence

Home National Omusati enjoys major developments since independence
Omusati enjoys major developments since independence

Governor of Omusati region Erginus Endjala said there are many achievements in the region after independence worth celebrating.

“Currently, 85% of schools in Omusati are electrified with running water, and most constituencies are connected with access to roads and MTC connection,” he stated.

He added that most constituencies have access to healthcare through clinics. 

“Besides the challenges, it is pleasing to observe that government is resolute and continues to allocate resources within its means through ministries to all 14 regions,” he said.

As far as the provision of water in rural areas is concerned, the regional council, in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform spent N$13 526 663 on cleaning, pump testing, installation of solar systems and purchasing of materials for hand pumps in different constituencies, and N$6 253 560.94 was
spent on drilling 17 boreholes, solar installation, cleaning and rehabilitation of 15 boreholes and provision of short pipes.

“An amount of N$1 516 335 was spent on construction of 12 earth dams while N$3 204 133.07 for construction of 178 pit latrines at households throughout the region, while Outapi Town Council constructed 17 pit latrines worth N$112 000 for informal settlements within Outapi,” said Endjala.

Pertaining to development of infrastructure N$883 212.65 was spent on electrification of Ondombe yaMalungandjamba and Ombeli in Anamulenge constituency and Eethika in Ruacana constituency. 

He added N$9 million was spent on construction of substation for bulk supply in Outapi and Okalongo substation, respectively. Endjala also said N$169 500 was spent on bursaries and internships of four students in the region. 

“An amount of N$1 423 867.14 was spent on rehabilitation of roads in Onesi, Ogongo settlements and Tsandi village. Likewise, an amount of N$1 237 278 was spent on planning and surveying in Onesi Proper at Extensions 1 and 2, and in Okalongo at Extension 3 and 4. Furthermore, an amount of N$4780 851.98 was spent on some re-graveling, and upgrades to bitumen standards in Tsandi Village, Outapi, Oshikuku and Ruacana town councils,” he indicated. The region spent N$5 430 409.85 on construction of the early development centres in Okahao, Outapi, Ogongo, Otamanzi, Oshikuku and Tsandi constituencies.  A total of N$59 881 751.95 was spent for development of health infrastructure via construction of Out- Patient Department (OPD) and ablution block at Okahao hospital, construction of Oikokola clinic and Oshikulufitu clinic and staff accommodation.

Another N$14 096 068.13 was received from the Environmental Investment Fund to mitigate human-wildlife conflict and drought over the past three years. 

Endjala added that N$8 468 094.00 was spent for servicing 1 342 plots in Ruacana, Outapi, Oshikuku and Okahao Town. 

“An amount of N$8 834 445.35 was spent on construction of classrooms and ablution facilities, with N$1 396 471.40 spent on construction of a dining hall and kitchen at Hiaukambe CS in Ruacana constituency. Renovation of ablution facilities in hostels as response to mitigate the effects of Covid-19 cost N$4 168 551.84,” he added.

Furthermore, N$43 000 000 was spent on construction of Outapi Industrial Park and N$42 058 940.39 for the construction of Omahenene Business Park by the ministry of industrialisation, via NIDA. Endjala stated that N$78 149 741.25 was spent
on construction of Oshikuku police station and N$229 000 was spent for land compensation by Outapi Town Council. 

Besides these achievements, challenges affecting crime fighting efforts such as lack of staff, scarcity of transport and shortage of necessary equipment remain.

The region is also still waiting for the tarring of Tsandi-Onesi-Epalela and Omugulugwoombashe gravel roads, and the construction of Ombafi-Iipanda-Epato road. 

 – vkaapanda@nepc.com.na