Omusati ready for Heroes Day

Home Archived Omusati ready for Heroes Day

WINDHOEK – Omusati Regional Governor, Sophia Shaningwa, says the region is ready to host the Heroes Day commemoration on Monday August 26 with all logistics in place, except for the fact that most accommodation establishments are fully booked.

The region is expected to host about 50 000 people on Heroes Day. “We are more than ready. Accommodation is full, but we have gone out of our way and asked our residents from Outapi, Okahao, Ruacana and Oshikuku to avail their houses to host some of our dignitaries, business people and visitors alike,” the host governor for this year’s Heroes Day commemoration told New Era. She said any dignitaries or visitors who may need accommodation during the long weekend, which will witness President Hifikepunye Pohamba officially launching the Olufuko Festival on August 27 at Outapi can get in touch with her. “The accommodation will be available for a small fee since visitors would otherwise have paid for hostels. My people are willing to give up their houses for our visitors,” she said.

She explained that delegates from other regions would also be offered accommodation around Ongulumbashe where the event will take place. Visitors are also advised to bring along tents. “We have arranged regions into zones. A place for visitors from all regions has been demarcated where they will camp and logistics such as ablution facilities, food, water, a common kitchen and electricity will be provided free of charge. Visitors from every region will also be provided with meat while singing (revolutionary songs) to honour our heroes such as John Ya Otto who fought at the Battle of Omugulugwombashe,” Shaningwa added. She said security will be tight. “I think it is going to be a great day. I am calling everyone to come and commemorate the day with us. From the 26th of August, people must join us at the Olufuko Festival in Outapi where President Pohamba will officially launch the event and he will be accompanied by Olufuko patron, Dr Sam Nujoma. People must come and celebrate culture in the making,” she appealed.


By Albertina Nakale