
Omuthiya youth fair aborted

Home National Omuthiya youth fair aborted

OMUTHIYA -The annual Omuthiya Youth Fair and Trade Expo has been cancelled at an eleventh hour, due to financial constraints and the lack of sponsorship due to the drought in funding caused by the general poor performance of the country’s economy.

 The expo is held annually in September, under the auspices of Omuthiya Youth Parliament (OYP), a non-profit organisation that deals with the wellbeing and aspirations of the youth. Since its inception in 2017, the organisation has been finding it difficult to run its organisation especially hosting the youth expo. The founding chairperson of OYP David Uusiku revealed this in an interview, saying they will use this time for fundraising in an effort to avert the financial glitches in next year’s event. 

“It is only a month left and we have not secured any funds for the event, despite several attempts of begging for sponsorships and assistance. As an organisation we have resolved to postpone the event to next year to allow us time to do more fundraising. The date will be communicated later in the year,” explained Uusiku. “I think people that helped us are also disappointed due to a lack of support,” he added, further reminding the public that the postponement does not mean the end of the acclaimed event.

Over 150 exhibitors showcased their projects last year which recorded a remarkable triple increase compared to its maiden event in 2017 which only attracted 50 entrepreneurs.