
Ondangwa’s debt incentives relief to many

Home National Ondangwa’s debt incentives relief to many
Ondangwa’s debt incentives relief to many

The Ondangwa Town Council’s resolution to waive full interest (100%) on all accounts with debts for consumers who can settle their debts within a period of 12 months, has seen many people benefitting.

That decision was taken during the council’s ordinary meeting last year, and 213 account holders smiled because of this initiative as N$665 146.46 interest has been written off for a period of three months so far. 

The town’s spokesperson Petrina Shitalangaho said the council’s debts have increased rapidly due to the economic downturn, coupled with the severe effects of Covid-19.

 “Council has taken note that some residents had lost their employment and income. Businesses had also closed or retrenched some of their employees, limiting households’ disposable incomes and purchasing power, and in return the residents’ ability to pay their municipal services in full,” she observed.

Shitalangaho said the  programme is still running and applicable to all account holders classified as domestic (residential), commercial business and industrial, non-profit organisations, community-based organisations, churches and private institutions. 

However, it is not applicable to government offices, ministries and agencies, including state-owned enterprises.

“Our wish is that our residents and account holders take this initiative seriously, and try and settle their principal debts within the stipulated time in order to benefit,” she added. 

– fhamalwa@nepc.com.na