
Ongwediva ready for annual trade fair

Home National Ongwediva ready for annual trade fair
Ongwediva ready for annual trade fair

ONGWEDIVA – The 22nd Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair scheduled to take place on the 25 August 2023, has 450 exhibitors that will be showcasing their products and services till 2 September.

During the annual gala dinner in July, the Ongwediva Annual Trade Fair (OATF) raised a total of N$1.3 million to help prepare the town in hosting the annual event under the theme ‘Embracing a sustainable economy, linking smart markets’.

“With preparation on the ground, the venue has been cleared and everything is ready. We are ready,” said town spokesperson Jackson Muma.

Muma highlighted that they have hired a total of 160 security guards to protect and ensure the safety of the exhibitors and visitors during the trade fair.

“Eighty security guards will be on duty per shift and will be making sure that the properties and places are well protected. One of the main components of the trade fair is making sure the people feel safe,” he added.

The official opening ceremony is scheduled to take place on Sunday, 27 August and entrance will be free.

“Payments have slightly changed a little bit. Adults will now pay N$25, children N$15, vehicles N$15, and a whole book of tickets for N$240,” said Muma.