
Ongwediva, Stad Lommel renew cooperation agreement

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Ongwediva, Stad Lommel renew cooperation agreement

The Ongwediva Town Council and Stad Lommel city renewed their cooperation agreement for the next five years. The signing took place in Stad Lommel city, Belgium last week. 

The agreement between the two entails strategic areas such as youth development and mobilisation, community development, orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) assistance, school twinning, training, education and the enhancement of Ongwediva’s institutional capacity. 

“The signing coincided with the celebration of 25 years of the city-to-city agreement, which over the years yielded great results in terms of capacity-building, environmental management, as well as in many areas of mutual interest between the two towns,” said Ongwediva town spokesperson Jackson Muma. Stad Lommel mayor Bob Nijs expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the agreement, which over the decades also included youth exchange programmes and the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On his part, Ongwediva mayor Taarah Shalyefu beamed that the agreement had played a great role in creating unique opportunities for the two towns. 

This includes youth development and mobilisation to be active participants in the socioeconomic development of the town, develop the community and render assistance to vulnerable members of society. 

– maxhenrich356@gmail.com