
Opali turns stunt driving skills into thriving career

Home Front Page News Opali turns stunt driving skills into thriving career

Donna Collins

From humble beginnings with no sponsors, and a shoe string budget to pull off some of the biggest spinning events Namibia has seen, Peter ‘Most Wanted’ Opali turn his fortunes around by taking ‘township’ motorsport to the corporate world, whilst turning his stunt driving skills into a full-blown career.

‘Spinning’ sensation Opali, burst onto the scene in 2014 when he performed for thousands of spectators at Windhoek Spin City with hair raising antics like never before. He’s actually been spinning for 13 years, and together with his brother ‘Driver’ and fellow squad club members, managed to change the perception of spinning in this country forever.

Today he has gathered a huge following of fans around the country and is the founder/owner of the successful Carzilla Magazine, and Director of the popular NamAuto television show. He gets to test drive the latest models, attends launches, interviews dealers and works with a film crew for his TV series, in-between stunt shows and appearances.

Calling himself a motorsport enthusiast who has taken spinning to an executive level, he describes himself as a brand ambassador for the sport, and travels around the country on demand, opening spinning events and corporate functions with precision stunt driving acts as an entertainment piece.

The demand for Opali these days is high, and his career is building up at such a pace, that he spoke of some big developments on the horizon, which could involve him participating in demonstration shows in South Africa and America.

Of course passion has been the driving force behind his success, which now sees Opali driving a sponsored BMW 335i demonstration car as a highlight piece for the shows. He visits towns on requests usually with two vehicles, and delights in the fact that he has turned his hobby into a career. His regular spinning car is a BMW E30 V8.
During the rise of spinning, he kicked open the doors at the Tony Rust Race Track, where the Windhoek Motorclub and Namibian Motorsport Federation (NMSF) recognised spinning as the fastest growing motorsport discipline in the country.

He gained the support and respect of the motorsport fraternity as well as some high-profile sponsors, which includes being the brand ambassador for Monster Energy. He boosts his growing list of sponsors to the huge crowds many of whom turn up to spinning events just to see the balaclava wearing ‘Most Wanted’ in action.

“The rise of spinning over the past few years has grown beyond our expectations, because we started off being called “irresponsible and reckless drivers” and didn’t deserve any recognition,” recalls Opali. “But despite being snubbed as the poor man’s sport, spinning events went onto making front page headlines in most newspapers and drew record crowds at each event.

“Spinning is the motorsport for the people and is a huge spectator sport where skilful driver handling, daredevil stunts, wheel spins and smoking tyres is popular entertainment for the whole family,” he said.
Whilst thanking all his supporters, fans and sponsors for his success, he also said. “We are only limited by the way we think and our approach to life, and can achieve almost anything if we put our minds and hearts to it – but most importantly if we involve God.”

The next date to remember is 30th June in Tsumeb, where a huge music festival and spinning event will combine some pumping action. ‘Most Wanted’ will be there as the highlight of the show with both his cars and is not to be missed.