Operation Omake clamps down on crime

Home Crime and Courts Operation Omake clamps down on crime


Windhoek residents have heaped praise on ‘Operation Omake’ that was launched earlier this month by the ministry of safety and security after it recorded significant successes against various criminality, such as contravention of the Firearms and Ammunition Action.

Since the operation started many illegal immigrants have been detained, illicit drugs impounded, stolen goods impounded and dangerous weapons, such as knives knobkieries and machetes were also confiscated, according to police spokesperson Chief Inspector Kaunapawa Shikwambi.

Chief Inspector Shikwambi said through Operation Omake, led by Deputy Inspector General for Operations and the Gold Commander for Operation Omake James Tjivikua, arrested 12 people for various crimes and arrested 2 775 drivers for traffic violations.

She said 17 firearms and 54 different types of ammunication were seized, while while ten cases involving by-law transgressions, such as illegal electricity connections, illegal trading and noise pollution were recorded.

The Minister of Safety and Security Charles Namoloh launched Operation Omake on November 2 2015 following a directive from President Hage Geingob that includes the clearing and flattening of riverbeds and the de-bushing of certain areas in and around the city that have been identified as nesting places for criminals.