
Opinion – Debunking Professor Lilemba’s false accusations

Home National Opinion – Debunking Professor Lilemba’s false accusations
Opinion –  Debunking Professor Lilemba’s false accusations

Jonathan Tembwe Tembwe

This article seeks to respond to an opinion piece by Professor Makala Lilemba, titled ‘Trying to silence academic freedom’, which appeared in the  New Era newspaper, dated 16 September 2022. 

The said professor accuses ZANABO of being a cult group but he fails to provide evidence of cultism within ZANABO. 

Allow me, as the moderator of the said group, to correct the learned professor since it appears he does not know the aims and objectives of the ZANABO Subiya group.

ZANABO Subiya stands for Zambia, Namibia and Botswana Subiya people. 

It also includes Subiya people found in Angola, Zimbabwe and the diaspora. 

ZANABO is not a political group, and neither is it affiliated with any political organisation or political ideologies. 

ZANABO, however, does not discourage its members to participate in matters of national interest activities as private citizens.

The ZANABO Subiya group is not a religious group or an affiliate to any faith, and neither does it encourage its members to align to a certain faith. 

Members are free to join any faith of their choice. ZANABO Subiya does not dictate traditional/customary matters or align itself with or forbid its members to align with persons or partake in customary politics. Members are free to choose.

ZANABO Subiya group is a scholarly communication research group that seeks to establish accurate and correct history – be it the social, political or economic history of the Basubiya people. 

It encourages research, open debates and dissemination of any information that affects the Basubiya people.

The four objectives that ZANABO operates on are not in any way religious or political – and the group does not in any way incite violence. 

Professor Lilemba’s accusations are imaginary, and they do not only seek to subdue the group from fulfilling its objectives as outlined below.

We do seek to preserve, promote and advocate for the continuality of Subiya culture and social organisation. 

We seek to document information on our past political and socio-economics, which define and distinguish the Basubiya wherever they may be. 

The group aims to make Basubiya aware of their heritage and not alienate themselves from the large Bantu-Botatwe people and Bantu people. 

This will make us associate and mingle with other tribes with ease. We do not look down on any tribes like Professor Lilemba has been patronising the Masubiya people.

We will continuously engage, collaborate and seek opportunities for research, retrieval of historical, anthropological, and educational materials and their dissemination to the tribe of Basubiya. 

Unlike a one-man show led by Professor Lilemba about the history of Mafwe, ZANABO has researched and is still researching written documents that narrate Basubiya’s history regardless of whether it is favourable or not. 

We collaborate with different researchers from various disciplines that deal with our history. We also encourage our members to research extensively and interview elders to retrieve primary information that is not yet recorded and is/will be acknowledged as such, rather than rubber-stamping every data. 

We believe in scientifically proven methodologies of researching and retrieving materials and verifying our history through archaeologically evidence, genetic evidence and linguistic evidence that has been carried out by other researchers. 

ZANABO encourages research and debate, even the so-called Mafwe youth can attest to that, the ZANABO group encourages discussing any information presented, it is not a one-man show. 

That is why the Mafwe youth stole our audio and distorted information to achieve their diabolical agenda of trying to label ZANABO as a Cult group. 

We will promote and safeguard our shared heritage across the borders of our countries. We do not distinguish between Subiyas from different countries but celebrate each other as brothers and sisters and we endeavour to preserve our heritage across borders. 

We do not incite Basubiya to participate in secession or partake in armed struggle against the legitimate government of their respective countries. 

There is no good reason enough currently that will justify a Musubiya to seek secession, Masubiya is free to participate in any political associations according to their will. Therefore, we do not fantasize about creating an imaginary country. 

ZANABO will promote Subiya community engagement and interactions across common borders at all levels. ZANABO encourages its members to participate and partake in any cultural festivals that are taking place in all countries where Basubiya are found. 

Many Masubias have attended festivals such as the Lusata, Kuomboka festivals and many others. 

We will also promote the revival and creation of other festivals that will bring Basubiya together from across borders. For there is no law against such if it does not disturb the peace of the state or country.

ZANABO is not a one-man show and it does not depend on a lone voice, it is a collective effort of Basubiya to preserve their heritage. 

If ZANABO was a cult as Professor Lilemba insinuates, he would not have known its membership to the extent that he has started sending threats to Mr Kapule David Mabuta through WhatsApp.