
Opinion – Eeshoke Chula-Chula: The new kid on the block

Home Opinions Opinion – Eeshoke Chula-Chula: The new kid on the block
Opinion –  Eeshoke Chula-Chula:  The new kid on the block

Dr Joseph Mulife Muchali


On social media and other platforms, the name Eeshoke Chula-Chula has exploded like a volcanic eruption across the mountains. 

With the emergence of the new kid on the block, Namibian soccer has seemingly found the missing piece of the puzzle to re-brand the beautiful game. 

If anything, there is no doubt that Eeshoke Chula-Chula has captured the imagination of many sports fanatics in the country. 

Today, Namibian sports fans are talking of the team in the same vein many brag about European soccer – Liverpool, Chelsea, Manchester and others, which is a first for the country.

With the fan base growing, is the euphoria going to last? Or is the team going to be one of those snowflakes that easily melts when hit by strong winds? Still, the question remains, where did Eeshoke Chula-Chula spring from like lighting?

Before any of those questions can make sense, Pele once said, “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”

Indeed, that is Eeshoke Chula-Chula! A committed group of young people training hard to chase their dreams. Should the team keep up the momentum, they will have succeeded in pursuing their dreams of playing football – with prospects of opening other bigger opportunities to play the beautiful game at home or abroad. 

Surely, as long as the team keeps improving and beating Namibia’s formidable old teams, the future is bright for Namibian soccer. The growing sense of rivalry that is emerging because of Eeshoke Chula-Chula is the best thing that has ever happened to soccer in a long time.

Even the regalia and all other flash displays of Eeshoke Chula-Chula have resurfaced on different platforms as if it is a tsunami. The team’s t-shirts, songs, dancing, and logos are becoming the face of Namibian soccer – even for those who had stopped watching the beautiful game.

From many soccer enthusiasts, the call is on the government, especially the ministry of Sports, Youth and National Service, for a better and improved sports field – the national stadium. 

There is no good reason why that cannot be done, especially after seeing the record-breaking attendees or spectators inching closer to forty thousand.

In building and repairing the infrastructure, the private sector should also do their part. Namibia has potential that needs the support of those who have the resources to create change. 

A sponsorship drive should be extended to Namibia’s fourteen regions to support soccer and maintain the many dilapidated sports complexes in the country.

On a sour note, Namibians should be smart enough not to resort to vandalism after losing a game. Already, there were reported cases of vandalism and hooliganism after the Eeshoke Chula-Chula game against Orlando Pirates. 

Whoever the culprits were, it must be noted that vandalism and hooliganism do not pay but only bring the negative spirit that destroys what Namibians are all trying to build. 

As it is, hooliganism has the potential to turn off many responsible individuals and families from attending such events, as those “flying missiles” of bottles and tins can cause severe injury or death to fellow human beings. No matter which way one wants to justify the behaviour, it borders on being primitive and small-minded. 

At such events, security should always be beefed up. The police officers, bouncers, and security guards should be trained to deal with the different situations that may arise, so should paramedics be on standby.

In cautioning, Namibians should understand that sports and politics do not mix, so are all other elements of tribalism, racism, nepotism and regionalism. 

The minute those ‘isms’ start
surfacing in the beautiful game, Namibia will lose out as a country. Meaning, let us support whoever for the love of sport!

Above all, Namibia is on the right
path to reviving the beautiful game. With time, the Eeshoke Chula-Chula magic should reach the national team, which can only be done when there is fairness in picking the right and gifted players for the team. 

The spirit of sportsmanship and inclusivity must always be the guiding anchor to building a sports-loving nation. In sports, a national identity and unity can be built. A job well done Eeshoke Chula-Chula!

*Dr Joseph Mulife Muchali is a keen scholar of political studies. The views expressed in this article are his own and do not represent anyone or organisation.