
Opinion – Imperative of youth development in small towns

Home Opinions Opinion – Imperative of youth development in small towns
Opinion –  Imperative of youth development in small towns

Serron Ngoshi

In the quiet corners of our nation, where the streets are familiar and neighbours are more than just acquaintances, lies the beating heart of our future – our youth. Small towns harbour a unique charm, but they also face distinctive challenges, especially concerning the nurturing and development of their young populace. 

As the custodians of our communities’ well-being, the town council has a solemn duty to prioritise youth development initiatives. Herein lies the blueprint for fostering a generation primed to lead, innovate and thrive.


Investing in potential

Youth development programmes are not merely expenses; they are investments in the future prosperity of our towns. By providing structured activities, educational resources, and mentorship opportunities, we empower our youth to unlock their latent potential. From after-school clubs to vocational training workshops, every initiative is a stepping stone towards a brighter tomorrow.


Mitigating challenges

In small towns, where resources may be limited and opportunities scarce, our youth are particularly vulnerable to social challenges. Substance abuse, juvenile delinquency and mental health issues loom as ominous threats. However, through targeted intervention strategies such as counselling services, community outreach programmes and recreational facilities, we can create a safety net that catches those in need and guides them towards a path of fulfillment and resilience.


Civic engagement

Small towns thrive on community cohesion and active civic participation. Engaging our youth in local governance and community service not only instills a sense of belonging, but also nurtures the leaders of tomorrow. Youth councils, volunteer initiatives and educational workshops on civil rights and responsibilities lay the groundwork for a generation committed to shaping the future trajectory of our towns.


Diversity, inclusion

Small towns are microcosms of society, encompassing a diverse tapestry of cultures, backgrounds and perspectives. By fostering inclusivity and celebrating diversity, we enrich the fabric of our community and equip our youth with essential life skills. Cultural exchanges, tolerance workshops and diversity training programmes sow the seeds of empathy and understanding, fortifying the social fabric against prejudice and discrimination.


Harnessing technology

In an increasingly digitised world, technological literacy is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Small towns must bridge the digital divide, and equip their youth with the tools to navigate the digital landscape adeptly. From coding workshops to digital literacy programs, we empower our youth to leverage technology as a catalyst for innovation, entrepreneurship and global connectivity.



As stewards of our towns’ legacy, the responsibility of nurturing the next generation rests squarely on our shoulders. Let us heed the clarion call to action, and prioritise youth development as the cornerstone of our agenda. Together, let us sow the seeds of hope, resilience and opportunity, ensuring our small town remains a beacon of progress and prosperity for generations to come.

In the tapestry of our town’s narrative, the youth are not just passive observers; they are the architects of its future. Let us empower them, guide them, and inspire them to dream boldly and aspire to greatness. For in their hands lies the promise of a brighter tomorrow, where the echoes of our small town’s legacy resound for eternity.