
Opinion – It certainly was the ‘year of revival’

Home National Opinion – It certainly was the ‘year of revival’
Opinion –  It certainly was the ‘year of revival’

His Excellency, President Hage Geingob, christened 2023 the Year of Revival, where he envisioned reigniting the strength of a resurgent nation. Looking back on this year, our President was not wrong. 

Namibia has dusted itself off and stood tall in 2023, making strides that larger and stronger economies would be jealous of. As Namibia, we even seem to have a bit of a spring in our step – some swagger even.

This was very evident at COP28 in Dubai, where President Geingob received the prestigious African Presidential Green Infrastructure Investment Statesman of the Year award. 

Reflecting on this and my year personally, as well as my surroundings, I see everyone is full of vitality. There is optimism in the air.

As the former and founding statistician general of the Namibia Statistics Agency, I like to look at cold, hard facts. You cannot take a ‘feeling’ or a ‘vibe’ to the bank. 

Well, the cold hard facts say that the Namibian economy looks to be on course for a growth of approximately 4.5% for the year. The economy is recovering faster than analysts anticipated, including myself. Namibia is doing the ‘year of revival’ right. Numbers do not lie; we are a resurgent nation and punching above our weight.

 The interest, investments and activities in the energy sector – both renewables and oil and gas – mean our nation’s future looks positive. As always, there is a caveat: we must remember the economy’s fundamentals.

Namibia, as a country, and us, as a population, have come through a challenging period, marked by drought, economic downturn and Covid-19. Economically, socially and individually, the impact was severe.

 Jobs were lost, we lost loved ones to Covid-19, the economy took a major hit and companies went bankrupt. A positive turnaround was certainly not inevitable – and from an economic standpoint, we had to reimagine and reinvent our economy. 

This is where the pivot to renewable energy comes in and the oil exploration by major international oil companies. Even more importantly, we, as Namibians, needed to become ‘revitalised’.  

Our populations needed to know, understand and process what we have gone through in the last few years. Part of becoming a revitalised nation meant healing from the knocks we took and adversity we faced. A revitalised nation needs a resilient population, which is easier said than done. 

You cannot just shake off the deaths of loved ones or create a new job out of thin air. We owe it to ourselves to work together as a nation, pulling in the same direction toward success. 

The true spirit of ‘Ubuntu’ comes to mind. Engaging and supporting each other, talking about the pressures and challenges we feel and embracing our healing is as important as getting our economy back on its feet. A resurgent nation needs to be mentally fit, strong and ready to take on the massive challenges of economic growth. 

In my new role at the Development Bank of Namibia, where I took over from my excellent predecessors, we are taking a holistic approach to developing the economy and how entrepreneurs can become successful. 

Investing in business ideas and concepts is essential for growth and development. However, the people running these businesses need to be well-rounded and understand that running a business is not just about making a quick buck. 

It is essential to create a nurturing environment, where employers and employees can thrive and create a solid and long-term business that is destined for growth, and which will contribute to growing the Namibian economy and labour force. It speaks to the true essence of revival and of a resurgent populace. 

It is the true embodiment of Ubuntu and Harambee as has been championed by our President.

It will be my pleasure, honour and duty to continue on the path of revival in 2024, and I hope we, as Namibians, can do so together. 

Happy 2024!


*Dr John Steytler has written this opinion in his personal capacity.