
Opinion: Katima sports complex is on the verge of collapse

Home National Opinion: Katima sports complex is on the verge of collapse
Opinion: Katima sports complex is on the verge of collapse

Muishun’e Mutakolobelwa

Sitting on Plot No. 3889 is the famous Katima Mulilo Complex, the only one of its kind in the Zambezi region, comprising one netball court and a volleyball court, as well as two soccer fields. This has been the operation hub of the Zambezi Regional Football Association and its members (clubs): Namibia Football Association Referees (Zambezi) and the Zambezi Regional Netball and Volleyball Association. This is the same stadium that hosts annual athletics and cultural activities for schools. 

In front of the sports complex is a famous taxi rank for long-distance passengers (Katima-Linyanti-Sangwali, Katima-Sibbinda-Kongola and Katima-Ovamboland). This has also served as a place of trade for street vendors who were recently evicted from the heart of town. All this beauty will be things of the past – come 8 November 2022 when the Katima Mulilo Town Council will move forward to rezone Plot No. 3889 and other plots into residential plots if not objected.

The Katima Mulilo Town Council is known to be enemies of progress when it comes to sports development. It is not the first time that the council has tried to shut down the stadium. 

A few years back the Town Council was at loggerheads with the Ministry of Youth and Sports when they (Council) wanted to shift the stadium to Choto Compound. 

The field provided by the town council at Choto Compound does not have water, electricity, ablution facilities, a fence or a standard pitch; unfortunately, this football field is also under the hummer. Down the line, the council also shut down a then-famous stadium, known as the Mavuluma Sports Complex, and the land now hosts the office of veteran affairs. 

Katima Mulilo Town Council has been running the town with an iron fist by destroying people’s houses and chasing out street vendors from their vending points. Some of these situations have unfortunately resulted in the loss of life and great financial losses. 

Katima Mulilo Sports Complex has been in existence for a very long time and has hosted many important activities (local and national events). The Ministry of Youth and Sports recently upgraded the stadium by installing lamps (flood lights) for games to be played at night and a boundary fence to protect players. 

The above investments will be lost if the Town Council proceeds with the rezoning process, what will happen to the Zambezi Regional Football Association and their members, referees, vendors and taxi operator dependent on this plot. The return of football activities in the country brings relief to the nation but also uncertainties to players from the Zambezi region because of the conundrums brought by the town council. 

Inhabitants of Zambezi have been complaining to football administrators at the national level about their exclusion in the selection of the national team with claims of discrimination and tribalism. The exclusion of players from Zambezi region from the national team is just getting started and this time it will be based on technical grounds (the lack of sports facilities). 

Katima Mulilo Town Council has failed to take advantage of the geographical location of Katima Mulilo town which has the potential of attracting local (Namibia) and regional (SADC) investments through hosting events. 

The town is located next to three countries (Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe), and two international airports (Kasane and Victoria Fall International Airport). Zambezi region is known for its flora and fauna, which constantly attracts many tourists and connects them to Victoria Falls (Zambia and Zimbabwe) and Chobe National Park (Botswana). Hosting local and regional activities (football and netball games, summits, etc.) in the Zambezi region will surely boost the economy of the country. 

I am appealing to the whole nation to stand together and oppose the move by Katima Mulilo Town Council to rezone the sports complex into a residential place. For the love of the game, let us join hands a protect this facility as it is the only one of its nature in the region. 

Sports is not only about making money, it is good for our good health and well-being, the future of Katima Mulilo Sports Complex depends on the decision we make today. The proposal for rezoning is open for public viewing at the Katima Mulilo Town Council offices until 8 November 2022.