
Opinion – Kleptomania and compromised politics

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Opinion –  Kleptomania and compromised politics

Daniel Sampayo

Namibia has stepped into an unprecedented scale of corruption. On a weekly basis, we see disturbing headlines – from theft, murder, suicide, lawsuits and entitlement.

Kleptomania is generally described as the inability to resist the urge to steal items, usually for reasons other than personal use or financial gain. This article discusses how kleptomania has become the new normal and how politics is being compromised.


Compromised policies

Our leaders keep pushing policies often with good names to entice the public that change is on the horizon. However, these policies do not do what they are created for; they often do the opposite. For instance, the ministries of higher education and poverty eradication have done nothing productive to improve the country’s socio-economic hardships. Today, higher education institutions still have courses that cannot guarantee employment. There is poverty eradication; yet, over half the country’s population lives in poverty. Policies and laws are passed to make leaders seem like they are the individuals with the plan – but in reality, they are the blind leading the blind.  


Compromised speeches

There is a big difference between what leaders say and do. Most speeches leaders read to the public have sound ideas. For example, when a leader campaigns for a certain position, they work so hard and convince the public that they will bring change. They promise to create jobs, build industries, raise wages, improve roads and decrease food prices – to name but a few. After their triumph, they sit idle and enjoy their lives, while you and I, as the voter and sympathiser, struggle to survive. 

In his book, ‘Think and Grow Rich’, Napoleon Hill writes: “an educated person is an individual who has so developed the faculties of their mind that they may acquire anything they want or equivalent without violating the rights of others”. 

An educated person is, therefore, someone who can get what they want without being selfish. We have leaders who are educated, but they keep on violating our rights. 

In 1943, Abraham Maslow presented his theory on motivation. At the top of his pyramid is a level called self-actualisation. On this level is our need for self-actualisation: creativity, morality, acceptance of facts, problem solving, lack of prejudice, etc. Maslow describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can to become the most one can be. Our leaders sacrifice their self-actualisation needs to gain what they want. According to Maslow, being self-actualised is being unstoppable no matter what obstacles come your way. However, we have leaders who sacrifice their self-actualisation needs through corruption, greed and empty talk.


Compromised institutions

There are compromised institutions in Namibia. To name but a few: the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF), the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Namibia Student Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF). Over the years, these three institutions have been mismanaged – and in the process, millions of dollars were stolen. Surprisingly, no one was held accountable. It has become a norm for people to believe that in Namibia, millions of dollars can just vanish into thin air. 

The tendency to not hold people accountable breeds even more corruption. Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said, “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws”. Those in power of the money care not how such actions affect the ordinary individual. The money can be lost anyhow with no explanation given to citizens because at the other end, there is you and I, as taxpayers, who will forever pick up the tab – that is the deal here.


Compromised education

Our education system is sanitised; it hinders the creativity and imagination of innocent children. Most people have been brainwashed to believe that it is the only school that guarantees them a better life. Today, we have talented people studying subjects they do not like.

In 1983, Prof. Howard Gardner proposed eight bits of intelligence. Over the years, the curriculum has been revised a number of times without including content that covers all eight bits of intelligence. As a result, many people fail, and their intelligence is undermined. They fail and beat themselves up so that they are not smart. 

Let us face it, the government can never give everyone employment. So, why not teach relevant content that will enable people to create their employment? We have many private schools that belong to foreigners. Similarly, we have foreign doctors, engineers, financiers and entrepreneurs. Yet, we have higher institutions offering the same courses. Does it make sense at all? 

Last week, The Namibian and New Era newspapers, reported that foreign banks and Shoprite made billions of dollars in profit. Guess what, the money left the country. All that was left was the record of how much profits they made in Namibia. The sun rises again – and at school, they teach the children the lifecycle of the butterfly and the characteristics of a locust.


Change is hard

It is hard to change; without change in our education system and morality, this beautiful country will soon belong to foreigners. Our beloved leaders, when people are crying, it is important to lend an ear. Today, those in leadership positions are corrupt; tomorrow, the future generation we are grooming are listening to how you are abusing your authority. When their time comes, they will walk in your footsteps. Let us break the chain now!