Opinion – Let leaders be respected not feared

Home National Opinion – Let leaders be respected not feared
Opinion –  Let leaders be respected not feared

Derrick Masangu

There is always a debate on what is the best type of leadership style to be used, and the answer I often get is, ‘It depends on the type of surbonates and working environment in which one finds themselves as a leader’.

Though, there is a different array of leadership styles to choose from, our societal values (be it religious or cultural) always have a way of creeping in, hence influencing our day-to-day running of the institutions we are entrusted to. 

Unfortunately, leaders always end up clashing with the universal values, ethics and policies as far as the constitution and universal laws are concerned.

For example, it is hard for one to justify the use of a dictatorship style of leadership in a Namibian public institution, as the fact remains that these institutions are rooted in the values of democracy.

Italian philosopher and historian Niccolò Machiavelli’s assertion on leadership is that, as a leader, it is better to be widely feared than to be greatly loved. He also believed a loved ruler retains authority by obligation while a feared leader rules by fear of punishment (Hutchings, 2006). 

Though he is considered one of the greatest philosophers, it is sad for those who still believe in his philosophy, because the world has evolved, and many universal principles and norms have been developed since his time; circumstances have also changed drastically!

In the modern day, such type of leaders, praised by the Machiavellism philosophy, are considered tyrants and will find it hard to keep their followers in check, as they have also been greatly influenced by political literature that came after Niccolò’s, such as that of John Locke and Rosseau, which are more democratic oriented. Therefore, such type of leaders faces rebellion and uprising, of which they eventually fall.

Machiavelli’s belief in leadership is not far-fetched from many of the African leadership style(s), as this has been a norm for centuries in all African traditional setups, where leaders demand this utmost “godly” power and obedience from their subjects. 

The whole notion of ‘Big I and little you, so you are beneath me and therefore am on a higher pedestal’. It is also a sad reality that this leadership style has spilt over in the modern-day democratic setups – be it in public governance, religious institutions, private and whatever the set up may be.

Often, these types of leaders demand obedience and respect they have not earned.

They expect and require their subjects to fear them, which in turn breeds conflict and rebellion. 

A feared leader will not achieve a willing response and effort from his/her followers, as they will never believe him/her, have the confidence or trust him/her. There is a significant difference between servitude and followership as Al Nolf (2019) alludes.

AL Nolf (2019) also says, “A respected leader is seen by all as the authority figure and consciously approved. More is done for him than is required, followers are happy, more open, and willing to obey and contribute to the group. A respected leader encourages his/her followers to succeed rather than punishing them for every indiscretion, error or loss”.

Feared leaders demand more than they cultivate. They are soo obsessed with authority and personal integrity than the vision and mission of the organisation. 

In turn, this creates what Guess (2014) terms ‘paycheck employees’ – employees who just work for the sake of getting a salary, and not for achieving the goals of the institution. 

Furthermore, feared leaders are always insecure that their surbonates are planning and conniving against them, whereby they end up being insecure and hallucinating about what their subordinates could do. 

On the other hand, a respected leader builds his people up and earns their respect each day. He does neither ask for love nor demands anyone to love him/her. His/her leadership is supported by all who know and respect him/her (Al Nolf, 2019).

In conclusion, leaders should cultivate love and respect, but at the same time maintain boundaries that would insure that respect is not lost on them by showing a great deal of modelling and exemplary in everything they do – and this should be reciprocated by their surbonates.