Opinion: Namibia, stay your course of unity!

Home Focus Opinion: Namibia, stay your course of unity!

Tulinane O Emvula Sr

Peace is expensive and so fragile. Reckless initiatives and/or selfish political maneuverings can change a beautiful course of history to an ugly one. So, every one of us, be calm and just experience that feeling around yourself now that you are okay. Stay the course of national unity above everything else. The process of uniting our people should take the centre stage and be handled with utmost, absolute care and circumspection. We should check that what we say and do does not puzzle anyone. 

Currently, there are those who are cajoling the disoriented youth to stage a revolution where there is no need for one. The vocal ones, together with corrupted business people, are branding President Hage Geingob as the sole source of all the problems besetting this country, particularly unemployment and relative poverty. But, some of these people have been with the Government since independence and cannot escape the fact they were and are part of the system that led the country to where it stands today – for the better or worse; thus, they cannot shift the blame on others. If they saw the problems and had solutions, why did they not speak out for the people to hear? They did not resign if they were not listened by their leading colleagues. Kazenambo-Kazenambo was maybe the only one who expressed himself and risked whatever – whether he was right or wrong in his views. 

The rest are probably just unhappy because they did not capture the statehouse, which seems to be the most important thing on earth. Amazingly, some decry the fact that they are not invited to team up with Geingob – to do what? The wrong things he is supposed to be doing or what? That is the politics of the belly for you, really. Patriotism means you offer all you have – ideas and all – at the right time.
Therefore, this spells a reactionary and tribal concoction, responding to closures of looting loopholes. They do not care about killing the true ideals of SWAPO. If they win, Namibia will go to square one of ethnic orientation – never to return! 

There is already a revolutionary process going on in Namibia, although it may be stalling somehow. A profound revolution of uniting the people of this land into one solid entity, from an Afrikaner to San – that dominant spirit of unity is operative. Whether you would be black or white, yellow or green, a Masubiya, Oshiwambo speaking, Afrikaans, Nama, Zemba or Setswana culturally, you are and will be a proud Namibian individual. Take charge of your life; develop yourself and be counted among the giving, not demanding human beings on earth.

Many a times, I have alluded to the aspect of the intrinsic group feeling between parties. The political parties’ spectrum already shows us a disquieting tribal political orientation. Ours parties are tribally based, membership volume-wise, which is prone to prejudice, suspicion and misunderstanding. This means that tribally biased political antagonism is a natural phenomenon trailing the parties’ setup; therefore, people need practical proof demonstrating that a particular party is not tribally focused. SWAPO cannot escape this fact and should not shy away from the truth that to some Namibians,  particularly the so-called minorities, President Geingob is a source of confidence in trusting SWAPO’s political slogan of One Namibia One nation (oh, what a noble stance!). Does it play itself out true in practical reality? So he must be treated with honour and dignity.

Within that aspect lies the critical element of building unity amongst our people by putting all pieces together after the shuttering devastation of oppression and the apartheid policy. We need sensitivity and greater understanding of fears and concerns instilled in our lives by that ugly past. We need to build confidence and self-confidence within our individual selves and amongst ourselves as people and communities full of prejudices and misconceptions about others. The current drive of judgmental expression on national issues that serve nothing but the destruction of what SWAPO has positively brought about until this far; it must be abandoned by everyone who means well for this country and her people. We must rather forge ahead with building unity at all cost.

Those who are encouraging the youth by a revolution to change the current situation without a vision are hardly different from enemies of our peace. When we fought for freedom and independence, we had a clear vision. We were not being used to fight for leaders’ comfort as the unfolding picture is showing. Maybe the youth must rather engage the revolution of destroying the source of their negative promoters’ livelihood, like alcohol business and perverted lifestyle outlets that leads them to actual and proverbial death in whatever form.

Again, to specifically call out the youth to remove the sitting Namibian President with impunity is downloading a curse on their generation. The incitement and corruption of the minds of our youth with disobedience and ill-discipline will not augur well with their future. Those who live by sword shall die by sword, and that is not the blessing we want to bestow upon our youth and the future generations. One reaps what one sows.

Furthermore, the current corruption drama may be a monopoly capitalist’s calculated long-term plan to destroy the trust and confidence of our people for their liberation movements, using human weakness of greed. We must learn something but not fall to their intentions. It is here where we must shout: A luta continua, e A victoria e certa!  Yes, those who fell into the trap must be punished, but we should not lose our set goals and objectives as SWAPO of Namibia, period!

Finally, we should concede that we have made some strategic mistakes and advanced some counter-productive policies. We also have under duress adopted a constitution that exposes our country to great dangers, and that is why at the 2nd Land Conference (2018), the two former presidents suggested to the nation to change our current Constitution through a national referendum. That is what we should do before 21 March 2020.