
Opinion | Not leaders, democracy leads

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Opinion | Not leaders, democracy leads

Tomas Kaapanda

Once you understand what democracy is and its aspects, you will develop the belief that there is no leader in a democratic country.

Democracy is a political system of leadership. In democratic countries, like Namibia, we have a rule of law that lead countries. 

This clearly explains that democracy itself is a leader that has a book (the Constitution) containing laws and orders on how to lead countries. Therefore, there is no other leader than democracy. What we have is merely administration. 

We are wrong by saying “our leaders’’ when referring to people who represent us in the position of democracy’s administration.We are living in the world of philosophical systems of beliefs. Philosophy is leading the world and had been leading the world in the past. People are simply administrators of these philosophical systems.

 In church, for example, a leader is not a pastor, priest or a bishop, NO. Christianity itself is a leader. It leads the believers with its book of rules and order (the Bible). Similarly, democracy is the same as Christianity – both are philosophical systems. 

While the Bible is the same as the Constitution, both books contain rules and orders to lead their systems.When they say no one is above the law in democratic countries, they simply mean no one is above democracy (the only leader) – not even the president, whom we refer to as a leader due to misunderstanding. 

Maybe those who developed this system are to be called leaders. Democracy has long been a philosophical political system in western countries. 

We had no democracy before colonialism; democracy was born from colonialism. 

Before democracy, leaders exist, who were people (kings, queens). They were not administrators, but leaders because they didn’t have books to rule according to any system. They knew and understood their philosophy to lead their people without any contradictions in their leadership because they were the only leaders – the alphas and omegas.

Democracy has a lot of contradictions because no one is a leader; no one has a final say – only the system and its book of rules can conclude. 

The system is designed to limit development or slow down movement forward because the final decision doesn’t sit with one person. 

Leaders are those that hold total power to lead their people. 

In a democratic world, no one holds total power because the system doesn’t allow it. 

The system controls most things. 

We have heard about the discovery of oil in Namibia and the president has told us not to be excited because although oil was discovered in our land, we have no control over it; the system controls it. 

This tells us who a leader is. Is the president a leader or just an administrator in his position? Where there is democracy, there is no leader – democracy leads.