
Opinion – Opposition is not a phobia … loving those who practise homosexuality

Home National Opinion – Opposition is not a phobia … loving those who practise homosexuality
Opinion –  Opposition is not a phobia … loving those who practise homosexuality

Namibia being a secular and democratic state means that we should respect and value all views regarding this matter of homosexuality. However, all views cannot be accepted, especially when they contradict each other, because two contradictory views cannot both be true. It is either both views are wrong, or one of them is right. Therefore, all views should be respected, but we must also be open to the rejection of our views because it is one thing to respect someone’s views, and it is another thing to accept them.

There are some people who shy away from this matter, but as responsible citizens, we should confidently debate this matter because it affects the identity of our nation. I know some people may feel reluctant to stand up against homosexuality because of the way those who practise or support homosexuality react to those who oppose such an agenda, labelling them as homophobic. However, to oppose or to be anti- the agenda of homosexuality does not make one homophobic. In fact, the term homophobia does not actually exist. The word ‘homo’ comes from Latin, and it means “man” or “human being”. The Greek word ‘phobia’, from where we derive the suffix ‘phobic’, means the fear and terror of something. So, to be truly ‘homophobic’ is to fear or to be terrified of human beings, which does not even make sense. 

Nevertheless, in Greek, the word ‘homo’ is a prefix expressing the notion of ‘same’ or ‘identical’; hence the term “homosexual”, meaning same-sex. Over the years, those who promote and practice homosexuality have coined the word ‘homophobic’ to mean the fear of or terror of those who practice homosexuality. The labelling by the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer or intersex (LGBTQI) community and their supporters, of those who oppose their agenda, is unfortunate because just because one opposes a particular agenda does not make one fearful or a hater of others. 

It has to be said that those who practice homosexuality aren’t angels, and they should not be going around calling people HATERS. They are sinners who need salvation, just like heterosexuals, because ALL men have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. God hates sin, and that’s why He has provided deliverance from the bondage of sin.

I know one of the objections we get is that the state is not church, and the laws shouldn’t be bound to any faith/religion. We need to keep in mind that a secular state should be governed by principles and absolute truth. A secular state does not mean the promotion of immorality and unhealthy lifestyles that are detrimental to the wellbeing of people and the nation at large.

As much as Namibia is not a theocracy, I would argue that we should not amend the laws subjectively, because we will end up without a foundation and ground. And for that reason, I would advocate for Namibia to be governed by the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because I know where the problem comes from. We face these issues like fornication, divorce, homosexuality, abortion, racism, tribalism, GBV, corruption, etc. because of one thing, our hearts are sinful and only Jesus can change that by replacing hearts of stones with hearts of flesh. Jesus invites us to “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”- Matt. 11:28. When we trust the Gospel of God to govern our country, we will have a solution to the problems that arise as a result of our sinfulness. 

We should also look at this issue with reality. As much as this debate is happening in Namibia/Africa, we should notice that the normalisation and legalisation of homosexuality is a foreign imposition. This is worrisome because we can clearly see that this is an unhealthy and immoral western agenda. So, first they bring HIV/AIDS to Africa, now they are promoting an agenda to perpetuate HIV/AIDS. The westerners are pumping money into this movement and pay the individuals that are involved in homosexuality. No wonder at first it was only the majority whites fighting for court cases and turning up for demonstrations. Obviously recently, we started seeing black people going to courts also for the same reason, and that will be a huge step for the western folks.  This is not about racism, but about the reality of cultural imperialism that threatens our very core identity as a nation and a people.

All human beings are equal before the law in Namibia. But people are not born homosexual. It is a lifestyle that they choose. And those who have chosen such a path can undergo therapy or deliverance, and there are many such stories the world over. 

So, it is one thing to have the right to marry, and it is another thing for the State to regard any relationship as marriage. Recognising same-sex “marriage” will begin with the redefining of “marriage”, and that will be the devaluation of marriage, if not its end in our country. We cannot allow this to happen because marriage between one man and one woman is the foundation of the family, and the family is the fundamental unit of society that is protected by the State and society, according to the Constitution. Those who practise homosexuality cannot produce children by themselves; and this is unhealthy for any society. Heterosexual couples complement each other, as created by God.
Finally, we should reject any proposed recognition of gay “marriage” because of our love and care for those who practice such a lifestyle. I know this might sound crazy because society has redefined the word “love”, just as they are trying to redefine marriage. We should warn them against this unnatural lifestyle and sin that they are battling with. The fact is that this is a sin, just like all other sins, and sin offends God. And God will judge sin one day, whether it’s homosexuality or any other form of sin. And for us to support gay “marriage” means we are encouraging the LGBTQI+ community to keep on rebelling against God and to pursue a journey that leads to destruction, and that is not loving at all. It’s as if we would be standing by and watching our loved ones walking straight into the fire pit without releasing a warning. No one would watch his/her beloved walk into the fire without wanting to save them. The Most Loving Man who ever lived warned us about the judgement of sin. Therefore, true homophobics are those who promote homosexuality, pushing those who practice a homosexual lifestyle into a deeper rebellion against God and into a way that leads to destruction. 


*Rauna Awene is the founder of Namibia Life Institute. She is a pro-life activist and author.