Opinion: President Geingob has heard you

Home Focus Opinion: President Geingob has heard you

On 27 November 2019, as the ultimate sovereigns, Namibians went to the polls, exercised their undeniable democratic right, and re-elected in their majority President Hage G. Geingob to lead the country for the next five years. 

Namibians voted for political parties of their choice, and returned the Swapo Party as the governing party. They waited patiently in long queues, walked and drove distances to get to polling stations; bore the force of the sun, and the rain in some parts of our country. Young people waited for hours, allowing respectfully the elderly and the vulnerable to enjoy first priority. 

Borrowing from a former prime minister, we carried ourselves the “Namibian way,” peaceful and united in the common conviction of buttressing our governance architecture through democratic processes, systems and institutions. Once again, we proved that our peace, unity and stability are priceless, and that they remain the basis through which inclusive development and prosperity can be achieved. We demonstrated to ourselves and the world, the inner tranquil force of Namibians and the potency of the Namibian House. 

President Geingob repeatedly urged during the campaign cycle that we should play the ball and not the player so that after the elections we all accept the outcome, shake hands and move on as brothers and sisters with our project of nation-building. The elections are behind us, with President Geingob outlining the broad contours of a roadmap for the future in his victory address to the nation on 2 December. We should hold hands and work together as we build a better country. What we concluded on 30 November 2019 was a democratic contest and not a war. In democratic elections, there are winners and losers. It is how democracy works. However, Namibia won, and we should strengthen the power of our example as a beacon of peace, stability, liberty, unity and democratic governance. President Geingob intoned that we should once again continue the Namibian journey, make a new start and move forward to meet the great challenges we face in the second phase of our struggle.

Accepting with humility the honour Namibians in their majority have bestowed, the President appreciates fully the significance of the outcome of our seventh democratic elections. Namibians shared in no uncertain terms that their President and the government he leads should work harder to live up fully to our Republican motto of unity, liberty and justice. Yes, the President has consistently reminded us that have made extraordinary progress on unity and liberty, and we should buttress these. Namibia is without doubt a better country than the one we inherited in 1990. Still, President Geingob is convinced that all of us should collectively sharpen our resolve to address the unfinished and urgent question of socio-economic justice, fighting and eradicating poverty, reducing inequality and deepening economic transformation. After all, through the vote, Namibians expressed concerns, hopes, aspirations and a profound belief that an economically just and better Namibia is possible. A Namibia, in which all her citizens can flourish because they have access to quality education, decent housing, a sound health system, poverty is eradicated and sustainable employment opportunities for the many are created. Namibians agree that the ability of the government they have elected to meet these core aspirations is the basis for our shared prosperity, in which no Namibian should feel left out. 

President Geingob is fully committed to this task, and will spare no effort to marshal our nation’s resources and to direct the work of government in meeting the most fundamental of the aspirations of Namibians. 
The Swapo Party manifesto, which served, as the basis for re-election of President Geingob is clear about what should be done. The fight against corruption will be strengthened through the creation of the Whistle-Blower Protection Office and the enforcement of stiff bail conditions, severe fines and sentences for corrupt practices. Human resources for the Anti-Corruption Commission will enjoy high priority to ensure prompt finalization of all pending cases. 

Our people are our most valuable resource, the President emphasizes. Young people are most affected by unemployment and the government will deal with this challenge with renewed priority and determination through infrastructure development, policy reforms and accelerated investments across all sectors of our economy. In addition to growing investments in education, the government will improve coordination for funding of programs for youth entrepreneurship. Policies that will lead to inclusive and sustained economic transformation in order to fight inequality and youth unemployment will be prioritized. 

The government will strengthen and develop policies to ensure that capital allocation supports wealth creation and youth employment, and the industrialization of the national economy. The government will promote diversification in agriculture, the blue economy, and manufacturing and mineral beneficiation industries as a matter of urgency. The President has made these commitments and remains unequivocal about what he has heard from Namibians. 

The President has heard Namibians saying that more should be done as a people marching towards 30 years of freedom and nationhood. The President has heard the peaceful democratic appeal of the young people of our nation, directing the elected government to create more opportunities for their future to look brighter and for prosperity to reach successive generation. The President fully understands the desire of all to flourish and to become proud and productive citizens. Only a competent state and an effective, transparent and accountable government grounded in the rule of law can meet the legitimate aspirations of Namibians. 

President Geingob has heard you, and will endeavor to deliver on the mandate bestowed on him by the Namibian people, with renewed commitment, utmost dedication and passion.