
Opinion – President Mbumba’s powerful message of unity

Home National Opinion – President Mbumba’s powerful message of unity
Opinion –  President Mbumba’s powerful message of unity

Dr Frieda Nanyeni-Kanyemba

The 34th Independence Day anniversary of the Republic of Namibia was marked by a poignant and inspiring address from Nangolo Mbumba, the country’s fourth President, delivered to an audience at the Katima Mulilo Stadium in the scenic Zambezi region.  The date, 21 March 2024, stands as a significant milestone in the annals of Namibian history, not just for commemorating the country’s independence but also for the powerful message of unity, and collective ambition echoed by President Mbumba.  From the academic perspective, it is evident that President Mbumba employed various rhetorical strategies to convey his message effectively to the audience gathered at the stadium.  Under the theme ‘A People United for Prosperity,’ President Mbumba’s speech resonated deeply with the ethos of national unity, serving as a clarion call for all Namibians to forge a path of prosperity through collective effort.  Furthermore, President Mbumba’s speech is characterised by a tone of remembrance and reflection, as he acknowledged the recent passing of the third president, Hage Gottfried Geingob. 

By honouring the late Geingob’s legacy as a “wise nation builder” and a “peoples president,” President Mbumba not only paid homage to his predecessor but also seeks to inspire the citizens of Namibia to uphold the values of peace, unity, and stability that president Geingob stood for. Drawing from the well of Namibia’s past struggles and triumphs, Mbumba reminded the audience of the journey the nation has undergone since its independence.  One notable aspect of the speech is his use of historical references and anecdotes to emphasise the significance of independence and the sacrifices made by the people of Namibia in their struggle for freedom. By highlighting the contributions of individuals such as Brendan Kangongolo Simbwaye and Greenwell Simasiku Matongo, Mbumba paid tribute to the heroes and heroines of the Namibian liberation struggle, thereby invoking a sense of national pride and unity among the audience.

The President paid homage to the strides made in various sectors, celebrating the progress achieved through years of resilience and dedication to the foundational pillars of democracy, peace, and equality. However, President Mbumba was also forthright about the hurdles that remain, highlighting the ongoing challenges that threaten to impede the nation’s progress.  He charted a visionary course for Namibia’s future.  The President’s vision encapsulated a broad spectrum of developmental pillars, including education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic growth. These, he asserted, are the bedrock upon which a prosperous and stable Namibia can be built. By promising to dedicate his efforts towards the enhancement of these sectors, President Mbumba articulated a clear and ambitious blueprint for the nation’s advancement.

Furthermore, the speech instilled a profound sense of responsibility towards the current and future generations of Namibians. He called upon every citizen to embody the values that have shepherded the nation, urging them to actively participate in the nation-building process.  This collective responsibility, as outlined by the President, is pivotal in realising the dream of a Namibia that is not only prosperous but also equitable and inclusive. President Mbumba’s independence speech was far more than a ceremonial address; it was a heartfelt invocation for unity, a reflective assessment of the nation’s journey, and a bold declaration of the path forward. It served as a reminder that the prosperity of Namibia is a shared endeavour, requiring the concerted efforts of all its people.  By highlighting the importance of education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic development, the President set a comprehensive agenda for the nation’s progress.

In conclusion, President Mbumba’s address on the 34th Independence Day anniversary was a compelling narrative of Namibia’s past, present, and future. It was a call to action for the people of Namibia to rally together in pursuit of a common goal – a future marked by prosperity, progress, and unity. As Namibia continues on its trajectory towards greater achievements, the words of President Mbumba will undoubtedly serve as a guiding beacon, illuminating the path towards a brighter, more prosperous future for all Namibians. Therefore, the President, as per the Namibia constitution performs “with dignity and leadership all acts necessary, expedient, reasonably and incidental to the discharge of the executive functions of the government.”


*Frieda Nanyeni-Kanyemba is a director of the IUM Centre for Languages and Communication. She holds a PhD in Rhetorical Presidency from the University of Cape Town.

Contact Frieda at  +264812447318/ friedananyeni@icloud.com

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