
Opinion – The importance of finding and generating funds for schools

Home Opinions Opinion – The importance of finding and generating funds for schools
Opinion –  The importance of finding and generating funds for schools

Ngandu Hisckia

Funding has a direct impact on the quality of education we provide to our children.

Our schools are not just a building; it is a haven of learning, growth, and development for our children. However, it’s important to acknowledge that the realisation of our educational goals heavily relies on financial support. Every educational programme, extracurricular activity, well-equipped classroom, and dedicated teacher requires funds to come to fruition. As we all understand, the school cannot exist without funds, and therefore, it is imperative that we actively engage in finding, creating, and generating funds to ensure the continued success of our schools initiatives.

Firstly, let’s discuss the significance of finding funds. We must actively seek external support through grants, sponsorships, and partnerships with local businesses and organisations. These funds can be earmarked for specific programmes such as science labs, sports facilities, or even scholarships for deserving students. Our efforts to find funds will not only enrich the educational experience but also open up opportunities for our children that might otherwise remain beyond reach.

Secondly, creating funds internally is equally important. Organising fundraisers, charity events, and cultural festivals not only unite our school community but also inject much-needed financial resources into our programmes. These events foster a sense of togetherness and shared purpose among parents, teachers, and students. When we collectively contribute to these initiatives, we actively contribute to shaping our children’s educational journey.

Lastly, the art of generating funds is pivotal. This involves exploring avenues like workshops, seminars, and public exhibitions where our students can showcase their talents, skills, and achievements. These events not only create opportunities for our students to shine but also attract attention and support from the broader community.

Dear parents, the commitment to securing funds for our schools are a reflection of our commitment to our children’s future. As stakeholders in their education, we must recognise that these efforts go far beyond financial support – they signify our investment in their growth, development, and success. Let’s remember that every dollar we contribute and every effort we make has a profound impact on the education our children receive.

In conclusion, I urge each and every one of you to stand united in our mission to ensure a well-rounded and enriching educational experience for our children. By finding, creating, and generating funds, we are not merely meeting financial requirements, but also nurturing an environment where their potential can flourish. Let’s work together to build a brighter future for our children and generations to come.

*  Ngandu Hisckia is a Bachelor of Education graduate from the University of Namibia.