
Dispatched thoughts: The self-belief you need

Home Youth Corner Dispatched thoughts: The self-belief you need

Sometimes, you have good days; other times, you have bad days – and then you have in-between days.
It isn’t always going to be easy to get what you want to get a task done or job completed – even to just make time to spend with someone. It doesn’t always work out as it should.

It can be a real confidence booster when things do work out better than expected. It gives hope and brings joy to the heart.

The confidence and self-belief that one can get from that is a great motivator and it definitely makes the work worthwhile, but that just happens some days. It is not an everyday thing.
There are days where no matter how much effort or work one puts in, they still fall short of the desired outcomes – and of course, there are days where life can be cruel and slaps you in the face for no reason. It happens and it is not always a good feeling.

But then again, that is just it; things will always happen regardless: some you can control and others you can’t – but something will always happen.

However, he one thing that has always stood the test of time is self-belief. It is littered all across history – from Jesus’ era to Nelson Mandela’s, and to modern-day legends like Donald Trump and Helalia Johannes; the self-belief with these great people has always been within.

Everyone has problems and challenges of their own that they deal with or at least try to. Sometimes, they succeed – and other times, they don’t, but ultimately, it’s the self-belief that one has in themselves that keeps them going, especially when it gets tough.

When you achieve something great, reach a milestone or crush a goal, especially when you worked hard for it, it’s that strong self-belief that you had within yourself that drove you to believe it was possible and you could do it.

It doesn’t stop there though. Even if you failed or just fell short of the finish line, your self-belief wouldn’t let you stay there because every day isn’t always going to be an easy day, but you know that and you believe in yourself that regardless this unfortunate moment, you can do it and do it right!
That’s how it’s been in life and always will be. It’s important to have self-belief that no matter what day it is, you are capable of counting on yourself to get through it.

For feedback or to learn more about Olavi Popyeinawa you can reach him through his email at olavipopyeinawa@gmail.com or on social media Twitter: @olavipopyeinawa