
Opinion – Unemployment crisis needs urgent action

Home Opinions Opinion – Unemployment crisis needs urgent action
Opinion –  Unemployment crisis needs urgent action

Namibia is facing a severe unemployment crisis that demands immediate attention from all sectors of society. The high rate of unemployment is not only a significant concern for individuals and families, but also poses a threat to the peace, stability and economic prosperity of the entire nation. There is an urgent need for comprehensive strategies to combat unemployment before the situation worsens.


Current landscape 

Namibia’s existing initiatives to address unemployment require scrutiny. It is crucial to assess whether these initiatives are yielding the desired results, and to implement proper monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. One glaring issue is the mismatch between the courses offered by universities, and the actual needs of the labour market. For instance, the oversupply of primary education teachers is creating a surplus in the workforce, leading to a scarcity of job opportunities in this field.



Universities must collaborate closely with the labour market to identify the skills needed in specific areas. A unified understanding between educational institutions and industries can prevent the overproduction of graduates in fields with limited job opportunities.


New industries 

Urgent efforts are needed to identify and invest in emerging industries which can absorb a significant portion of the unemployed workforce. Government support, incentives, and collaboration with the private sector are essential in fostering the growth of these industries.


Youth Entrepreneurship and Empowerment: Create a conducive environment for youth to engage in entrepreneurial activities by providing mentorship programmes, funding and resources. Encourage a shift in mindset among the youth towards productive ventures, steering them away from unproductive activities.



Conduct in-depth research to uncover all factors contributing to unemployment, including those that may not have been identified yet. Encourage collaboration between government agencies, academia, private enterprises and civil society to pool resources and expertise.


Public awareness 

Raise public awareness about the urgency
of the unemployment crisis, and the potential consequences if left unaddressed. Promote a sense of unity and shared responsibility, emphasising that solving unemployment
is a collective effort involving all sectors of society.

Namibia stands at a critical juncture where decisive action is imperative to prevent the unemployment crisis from worsening. It is essential to recognise that unemployment is not solely a government problem; it requires the concerted efforts of all stakeholders to bring about positive change. 

The time to act is now, as addressing unemployment is not only a matter of economic importance, but also a prerequisite for maintaining peace and stability in the country.

*Mwaala Shaanika has a Master’s degree in public policy and management, a post-graduate diploma in procurement management, Honours degree in Business Administration and an Economics degree. This article is written in his personal capacity.