
Opuwo issues warning on roaming livestock

Home National Opuwo issues warning on roaming livestock
Opuwo issues warning  on roaming livestock

OPUWO – The Opuwo Town Council has urged livestock owners to build suitable enclosures to prevent the animals from straying into the town’s boundaries.

A large number of livestock, including goats, sheep, cattle and pigs, have been impounded and are being kept in the town’s pens, with some being brought in from neighbouring villages.

The growth in the animal population poses unique challenges, with the town council’s technical director Karui Rikambura describing the situation as problematic and ‘backward.’

He said in a recent interview with Nampa the situation is concerning since it is hindering development at the town, and narrows its scope to village level.

He said one of the contributing factors is the 10-year drought Kunene region has experienced, which has forced farmers to migrate to towns in search of greener pastures and water for their remaining animals.

Despite the council’s concerted efforts, to keep the animals out of the town boundaries, Rikambura said this was nearly impossible since Opuwo, like other northern towns, is situated in a communal area, with no fencing to keep livestock out.

He also expressed discontent with the town’s excessive expenditure on maintaining the impounded animals, saying the penalty is insufficient to compensate for the expenses council incurs to care for them.

“The council frequently loses thousands of dollars in keeping these animals,” he said adding that in some cases, the council spends about N$2 000 per cow, only for the owner to pay less than N$200 for its release.

The charge owners of strays pay under the pound regulations of the Local Authorities Act is N$1 per animal per day for all animals except for sheep and goats for which N$5 per sheep or goat is charged per day.

Grazing costs for all animals except sheep and goats are set at N$4.50 per animal per day, and N$2.30 per sheep or goat per day.

Feeding costs for all animals except sheep and goats are N$8.25 per animal per day, with goats and sheep being charged at N$2.50.

The council says it cannot be held liable for any missing, dead or sick animals, or any damage to gardens or crops by animals kept within town boundaries.

– Nampa