
Oshana schools resume with contact classes 

Home National Oshana schools resume with contact classes 

ONGWEDIVA – All schools in Oshana region, with the exception of Erundu Combined School where a staff member has tested positive for Covid-19, have resumed classes.
Acting director Hilma Nuunyango-George said the region is not yet in a position to say whether some learners in the group that started this week did not report for school amidst Covid-19 fears as the teams are still busy sorting out matters. Nuunyango-George said the region has dispatched five teams led by the inspectors of education to assess the situation in the region.

“Our teams are still in the field, but so far we have not received any reports of learners who did not report for classes,” said Nuunyango-George.
Grades 7, 8 and 9 resumed school this week since a break in March following the first two cases of Covid-19 in the country.
Grades 4, 5 and 6 are also expected to resume school this week countrywide with the exception of the Khomas region. Nuunyango-George said all their grades 10-12 also resumed classes on 1 September following a one-week mid-term break. “In exception of Erundu, we have not received any report of learners who did not show up at school,” said Nuunyango-George. In the grades 10-12 only non-boarding schools were affected as those in the hostels remained there during the break. Nuunyango-George said they only had two learners who were in quarantine because they travelled from Covid-19 high risk areas, but they have since been discharged.

In the case of Erundu, Nuunyango-George said the school has been closed pending the Covid-19 results of staff members. Nuunyango-George said staff members have been tested and the results have started trickling in as of Wednesday already.
“The results started coming in yesterday already therefore once we have the results we can then determine when the school will reopen. For now we cannot open the school with half the staff,” Nuunyango-George emphasised. – nashipala@nepc.com.na