
Otjomitanda donates to Omaheke school

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Otjomitanda donates to Omaheke school

Zebaldt Ngaruka 


OZOMBOUVAPA – The Otjomitanda peer group donated stationery and hostel utensils to Good Hope Primary School in the Omaheke region’s Okovimburu village recently as part of their corporate social responsibility. 

The Epukiro constituency-based school, which accommodates 587 learners, received N$7 000 worth of goods.

The donated items included plates, printing paper, pens and envelopes.

Otjomitanda president Darius Kuzatjike said the education of the Namibian child should not be left in the hands of government alone.

“As a peer group, our common aim is to assist everywhere we can with the little that we have at our disposal. We have done this to various schools and vulnerable communities in our society,” he added. 

“These donations are always given to the settlements which are hosting the group’s year-end function. We do this in an open, transparent manner to avoid favouritism,” he said.

Nomsa Katjijova, who received the donations on behalf of the school, said they came at the right time, and the school appreciates it all highly. 

“These items will solve the delays at the hostel when it comes to feeding time. Our learners must endure long hours to wait for plates from others to finish, which is a big concern,” she added.

On the academic part, the HoD is pleased with the fact that now with examination time, a lot of printing is going to take place. Therefore, printing papers will be very much needed.

Katjijova said the Otjomitanda members also promised to assist the school with fencing material to fence off the sports ground.

“Our sports ground is used by strange people because there’s no fence around it, which is risky for our learners. It is good that we will be assisted in that regard,” she noted. 

The school furthermore does not have a science lab, and needs computers in the computer lab.

“We have an empty lab. Our learners are left behind in the technological aspect compared to their counterparts in other schools,” observed the HoD. 

The school is likewise in need of a security wall for the girls’ hostel, and a fence to separate the hostels from the school premises.

“We need a television for our girls so that they can be separated from boys when watching,” she added.

– zngaruka@yahoo.com