
Our aim is to turn professional – /Goagoses

Home National Our aim is to turn professional – /Goagoses
Our aim is to turn professional – /Goagoses

In its quest to catch up with its regional and continental counterparts, Netball Namibia (NN) will soon embark on the process of appointing a full-time CEO that will help the local netball governing body with restructuring its policies as they look to become fully professional. 

NN president Rebekka /Goagoses, in a brief chat with New Era Sport, said they are planning to convert the existing secretary general position into that of chief executive officer (CEO) and appoint a suitable candidate to spearhead the position full-time. 

/Goagoses explained that the aim behind appointing a CEO is to help NN achieve its objectives of becoming a fully-fledged professional netball governing body as it will, in the long run, benefit the national teams as well. 

She further shared that one of their biggest goals is to be counted amongst the best-governing bodies in Africa and within the SADC region, and that process will start with the appointment of a CEO and a change of policy and strategic direction.

“Ideally, it is what we want to have – a full-time CEO that will drive the organisation to greater heights and formulate policies that will benefit our teams and partners. We would like to move from being an amateur organisation to a professional set-up,” she said.

/Goagoses said they are still in search of funds to remunerate the candidate who will take the federation to greater heights.

“We are still in the process of formulating a good funding formula for the CEO position, so we have been busy exploring all our options to get enough funding for that. Other sports codes such as football, cricket and rugby have those people (CEOs) in place and that’s the reason why they are thriving,” she added.

– mkambukwe@nepc.com.na