Ovambanderu commemoration on this weekend

Home National Ovambanderu commemoration on this weekend
Ovambanderu commemoration on this weekend

Zebaldt Ngaruka 


EPUKIRO – The Ovambanderu community will gather at Okahandja for the 128th commemoration of Kahimemua Nguvauva, who was brutally killed by the then-German colonial forces. 

It has become custom for all the commandos of the Ovambanderu people to prepare for one of the big occasions in the country. 

In an interview with New Era, Uazenga Ngahahe, the Ovambanderu Traditional Authority’s (OTA) spokesperson, said the traditional priests are already in Okahandja to welcome the community as per custom.

He said the event is significant to all Namibians, as the late Nguvauva died for the freedom of the country. 

“The gallant leader was killed by the colonial masters for his stance against the sale of land to the Germans. He died mysteriously after being shot 12 times after he pointed where to be shot,” said the spokesperson. 

This year’s commemoration is themed ‘Towards the Restoration of the OvaMbanderu People’, which also coincides with the genocide talks and the secret belt of the late Nguvauva 

Ngahahe added that preparations of various Ovambanderu commandos countrywide are in full swing.

“The horses, drills and other traditional performances have begun with their practices as early as May. These are important for entertainment and create platforms for educating the youth in the community,” he added. 

People are expected to gather in the Garden Town as early as Friday. Saturday is reserved for cultural activities, including speeches from different senior traditional leaders and invited guests. 

“Our Ovambanderu youth league will hold a gala dinner on Saturday evening to generate funds for the community,” Ngahahe said. 

Early on Sundaymoring, the groups will visit the cemetery of the Ovambanderu heroes to pay homage. 

The programme will continue with speeches from Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah and OTA’s chief Eben Tjozohongo Nguvauva, among others. 

“There will be an update on Sunday from Germany about the historic belt removed from late Nguvauva given by Freddy Ueriurika Nguvauva as well,” added the spokesperson. 

A delegation of Ovambanderu from Botswana will also be present at the event. 

“It was not an easy task, but today we are proud, and our community will be served appropriately. Our village is known for providing the best catering services, and we will do the same in Okahandja,” he said.

Epukiro’s Katjomukuao Muvangua, the leader of the drill horses section, told this publication that close to 20 horses will be heading to Okahandja. 

“We are more than prepared,” said Muvangua. 
