
Over N$18m generated from personalised number plates

Home National Over N$18m generated from personalised number plates

Namibian motorists have spent over N$18 million over the past five years on personalised number plates, according to the Roads Authority. The information is contained in the 2018/19 RA annual report, which was tabled in the National Assembly last week.  According to the report, motorists spent N$3.9 million in 2014/15 on personalised number plates and N$4.3 million during 2015/16. In 2016/17, N$3.9 million was spent by motorists and N$3 million in 2018/19.  A personalised number plate cost N$1 800 once-off, while an annual renewal fee stands at N$240. 

Meanwhile, the number of vehicles registered in the country increased by 9 491 to 394 976, thus representing a 2.4% upsurge.  According to the report, Windhoek has the highest number of registered vehicles of 170 000, followed by Walvis Bay with 24 000, while Swakopmund has 23 000. Similarly, the report said the country driving population increased by 9 641, bringing the total driver population to 298 503. 

This represents an increase of 3.34% compared to the driver population of the previous 2017/18 financial year. The number of driver’s licence holders also increased by 1 585 to 47 019, representing an increase of 3.49%. The report further said the number of vehicle roadworthy tests decreased by 0.26% to 97 944. 
Additionally, NaTIS recorded 1 333 445 transactions for which money was collected leading to an income of N$704 366 662, which is an increase of 6.8% compared to 2017/18.