
Painting the bigger picture

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Painting the bigger picture

Julina Kaakunga

Matheus Endjila started drawing as a hobby, and now apart from the love he still has for his art, he has found an opportunity to build a market out for his gift.

“I love arts, I love the feel of putting ink on paper and creating something meaningful out of it,” he told VIBEZ! 

He started drawing when he was quite young and at 18-years old, he got exposed to the industry when he met various artists on different social media platforms. 

This is when Endjila made the decision to challenge himself by drawing and putting out different sketches that he recalled had positive responses. 

“I think people always want to know how I can draw exactly how the person is; ‘How did you do that?’ In most cases I couldn’t even answer it because I also don’t know, it’s just about looking at something in detail and trying to copy exactly what I see,” described the 29-year-old.

Balancing between his business and his school seems to be the only challenge Endjila is facing. “I think most of my focus will probably be on finishing school, then I can actually draw up plans of what I’m going to do from there,” he specified his future plans.  Endjila’s greatest accomplishment would be landing a place in an art exhibition that was going to take place in London, which was unfortunately postponed last minute due to unforeseen circumstances. He however finds solace in the fact that he earned a place there.

Justina Ndapewa Magano Shapumba, one of Endjila’s clients, who was satisfied with his work said she wanted to do a portrait for her parents as a gift. “I was then scrolling through social media, and when I came across Matheus’ page, I saw the one he did of Honourable Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, which I liked,” she recalled. 

She then messaged him and within a few days, she got her portrait done.

Endjila says a face can take up to 17 hours. He is not a planner; he prefers surprising himself.

 “Five years ago, if someone told me I’d be taking interviews from different newspapers I’d probably have laughed. I think my business has grown more than I expected it to be already.

So, what I’d like to achieve from here is to gain international recognition.”

To his fellow youth, Endjila advises them to lean towards their hobbies, interests and build on them. “So, if you’re out there, and there’s something you are good at, you don’t even have to be great at it, the perfection will come as you do the task multiple times. Please pursue it because you’ll never know just how far you can go. Get out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself,” he encouraged.
