
Parental involvement needed in education

Home Education Parental involvement needed in education

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Windhoek-//Karas Regional Director of Education, /Awebahe //Hoeseb has reiterated the call to all education stakeholders, particularly parents, to increase their involvement and strengthen their collaboration with the ministry to ensure the success of the country’s children.

Speaking to New Era ahead of schools opening tomorrow //Hoeseb said the positive impact of parental involvement and participation in the education of their children was underscored once again when the Grade 10 (JSC) and Grade 12 (NSSCH) Higher Level top performing learners in 2017 were interviewed and asked about the secret to their respective success stories.

“The absolute majority of those learners ascribed their outstanding performance to the support they got from the parents, guardians or caregivers,” said //Hoeseb yesterday.

“Check whether your child gets homework, and verify if the teachers control (mark and give feedback) the written work of the learners,” he said.

He further called on parents to establish a sound rapport with the Principals, Heads of Departments and Teachers, and enquire about child’s academic performance and overall conduct.

“Discipline your child with care and impress it upon him/her to respect the authority of the Teachers, Heads of Departments and Principal,” he said.

He urged parents to attend all the meetings organised by the schools and to ensure they also make their input at these gatherings.

“Ask for clarification in case there is something you do not understand. Be prepared to be nominated and elected to serve as a member of a School Board,” he stressed.

He advised parents to volunteer to supervise learners during afternoon and evening study sessions.
“Arrange with knowledgeable individuals and groups to present fee-free lessons based on a grade syllabus to the learners over weekends,” //Hoeseb advised. 

//Hoeseb further recommended parents to initiate platforms where community members, parents, guardians and caregivers can join hands and devise strategies for getting children off the streets and away from shebeens and clubs so that they can devote quantity and quality time to their schoolwork.

“Establish “Study Circle” groups for children staying in the same neighbourhood to assemble at a fixed place where they do their work or study, in the afternoons as well as over weekends, under the supervision of an adult with sober habits and exemplary conduct,” he said.

“Network with persons or organisations that are knowledgeable on social evils such as substance abuse and teenage pregnancies, so that these experts can talk to the children about the inherent dangers,” he added.
//Hoeseb says parents should not remind a child every now and then that he/she failed the previous year because of what he/she did or did not do.

He said the child already knows that he/she failed and might be feeling miserable. So, he said, parents should refrain from focussing on the past but encourage the child positively.

“All humans can make a mistake. Let the child learn from his/her mistakes,” he said.
He encouraged parents to set aside time to listen to childred’s worries without interrupting them or scolding the child afterwards.

“Try by all means to keep the child feel loved and having a shoulder to cry on when the going would go too tough for his/her liking,” he stressed.