Parties preach youth empowerment 

Parties preach youth empowerment 

Presidential candidates have recognised the critical role the youth play in shaping the nation’s future.

They have taken steps to empower Young Turks within their ranks.

This is not only reflective of the country’s growing youth population but also a strategic move to tap into the fresh perspectives that young people bring to the table. 

A glance at the different election manifestos is anything to go by.

During the manifesto launch of the political parties, the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC) states that they want a Namibia where every young person is empowered with the skills, opportunities and support needed to reach their full potential, and actively contribute to the nation’s development.

“We will establish a National Youth Employment Guarantee Scheme, providing at least 100 days of paid work or skills development for unemployed youth annually. [We will] ensure that the reformed Development Bank of Namibia prioritises youth access to project preparation, venture and entrepreneurial funding lines. [We will] implement tax incentives for companies that hire and train young graduates,” reads part of its manifesto.

The Swapo manifesto states that recognising the need to empower the youth, they commit to implementing targeted employment creation interventions to address youth unemployment.

“We recognise the potential of the youth to create employment. Therefore, we commit to promoting and strengthening youth enterprises by providing access to support schemes and increasing financial product availability,” the ruling party notes.

Swapo is also promising to expand opportunities for internships across the public and private sectors, including through the Youth Internship Tax Incentive Programme and National Apprenticeship Programme under the National Training Authority (NTA) to provide work-integrated learning for the purpose of exposure and accrual of experience necessary for employment.

Moreover, the Popular Democratic Party noted that Namibia faces a catastrophic unemployment crisis in general and youth unemployment emergency in particular.

The growing youth population can be a powerful driver of innovation, economic expansion and cultural enrichment. 

Yet, the current job market is ill-equipped to absorb this burgeoning workforce, leading to high unemployment rates and underemployment among young people. Addressing this issue requires comprehensive strategies that encompass education, skills training and the creation of sustainable job opportunities.

“To harness the potential of Namibia’s youth, it is imperative to develop policies that stimulate job creation, support entrepreneurial ventures and ensure access to quality education and vocational training. 

“By investing in our youth, we can transform this demographic challenge into an opportunity for growth and prosperity, ensuring that Namibia’s future is bright and inclusive for all its citizens,” the official opposition parties said.