
Pastor assaulted by correctional officers

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Pastor assaulted by correctional officers

Namibia Correctional Services Commissioner general Raphael Hamunyela said they are investigating a matter, where a pastor was allegedly assaulted by correctional officers at the Oluno Correctional Facility at Ondangwa last week.

Ernesto Mwapopyange, a former inmate who served time at Oluno Correctional Facility, was allegedly kicked and beaten with fists while at the facility to report himself as ordered by the court upon his release last year.

Hamunyela confirmed he is aware of the allegation, but he is waiting for the investigation to be finalised to decide on what should be done.

“If what he is saying is true and right, then what the officers have done is wrong; they don’t have the right to beat up people. I have spoken to the victim twice – telephonically. I am just waiting for the final report,” said Hamunyela.

Mwapopyange (46) narrated he was assaulted by correctional officers last Friday for allegedly requesting authorisation for inmates to offload a truck of his building materials, as he doubles as a businessman.

His request was denied – but as an offender on parole, he needed to return the following day for his routine roll call as per court order. 

“I was sentenced to six years for capable homicide, and I was released from Evaristus Shikongo Correctional facility in Tsumeb in 2021. I only served three years,” he explained. 

“While I was interviewed, some correctional officers came into the office, calling me an offender, and started assaulting me, kicking and twisting my arms, while throwing insults at me. I cannot even mention the insults,” he recalled.

He added he could not answer his tormentors, as he was in a state of confusion; he kept asking for forgiveness – if he has done anything wrong.

“My intention to ask for permission to get inmates was to help me offload my building materials and give something in return. I was a prisoner once, and I know the situation there. That is why I wanted to help where I can.

 ‘’I want to know why I was beaten, and if I have done something wrong; are there no other procedures or action that can be taken other than beating?” he asked.

Mwapopyange has since opened a case against the alleged culprits.

– vkaapanda@nepc.com.na