
Pensioner cares for physically-challenged woman

Home National Pensioner cares for physically-challenged woman
Pensioner cares for physically-challenged woman

BERSEBA – A Berseba pensioner has taken on the role of caretaker for a 56-year-old woman who is mentally and physically challenged, and battling cancer. 

Ida Oarum (66) said despite not having enough financial support herself, she became a caregiver to Wilhelmina Kauika (56) out of the goodness of her heart. 

Oarum said although Kauika has well-off family members, they want nothing to do with her.

“My mother used to fulfill this role. But with her death in 1991, I automatically took over the responsibility, she added. 

She said apart from relying on a wheelchair for mobility, Kauika is vulnerable and mentally ill, and also suffers from breast cancer. 

“She needs to go to the oncology department every three years for treatment as one of her breasts is leaking blood. In addition, the medical personnel handed her over to us as the cancer is at an advanced stage,” added Oarum. 

The pensioner said she sometimes experiences challenges, as Kauika can have difficult emotional mood swings which result in her refusing assistance.

 “At times, I used to buy the Ensure formula from my own pocket, but I am very thankful to the government for assisting the poor lady,” she said.

It is her wish that Kauika passes away while she (Oarum) is still alive, as there would be no one to look after her if she dies first.

Oarum spoke to New Era at an event hosted by the poverty eradication ministry, where it was handing over portable toilet pots, adult nappies, Ensure feeding formulas and Prep bedsore ointment to Berseba residents. Kauika was one of the beneficiaries.

Speaking at the same event, senior community liaison officer at the ministry of poverty eradication Sinvula Matjila said they carried out an assessment, and found that the majority of the residents were in need of essentials.

He said more beneficiaries in the region qualified for assistance, but that their portable toilets are not available yet due to budgetary constraints. 

“The ministry now also introduced a programme providing assistance to physically and visually-challenged persons who wish to study at tertiary educational institutions,” said Matjila.

As part of that programme, the ministry will be paying for transport, accommodation, food, braille computers and the tuition fees of the students.

– sklukowski@nepc.com.na