
Pentecostal Churches Back State

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By Sbu Mjikeliso WINDHOEK The Association of Charismatic and Pentecostal Churches of Namibia (ACPCN) have reaffirmed their support for Government. A press release from the organisation reveals their gratitude towards the political leadership and intentions of supporting the State in an effort to reduce poverty and HIV/Aids, and the protection and upholding of the law, amongst others. The ACPCN, the governing body for Charismatic and Pentecostal churches, drafted a five-year plan in October last year as a symbol of its seriousness to support development and nation building. Their main strategic focal points were: – The role of the ACPCN in national reconciliation; – The Church in the battle against gender-based violence; – The impact of Christianity on the upliftment of living standards and moral values; – The Church and the State in smart partnership for national development; and, – Transforming Namibia through spiritual/church unity. The body also issued a warning to the Christian community to be alert of “false prophets” who are creating confusion and division while “tarnishing the divine principles of Christianity”. The ACPCN has taken great care in promoting economical growth and has called on the nation to support the State in promoting and sustaining national reconciliation, for the common good of the Namibian people.